the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Get Out Your Ouija Boards 194


12:58 pm

Everybody sit in a circle and hold hands.

I was taking a nap Saturday afternoon, and my mother called.

But it wasn't like the last time that I dreamed she called me on the phone. That time, she called on the cell phone after I had just come off a long sea voyage, and I was all confused and flustered since she didn't seem to remember that she was dead and I didn't want to have to tell her, especially on the phone. That time, when I woke up, I felt her loss very powerfully. This was different.

I was sleeping on the couch in the family room, girls out for the day, Hubs sitting outside. Although I slept for about an hour altogether, I did wake up here and there. At one point, I thought I was awake -- I remember thinking that -- and then the phone rang. I always nap with the phone nearby so I won't have to jump up to answer if it rings. This time, when I answered, I had the telephone headset on, which I really only do if I know I'm going to be on hold with a tech support call.

Anyway, I answered, headset on, and it was my mother. (This was when I realized that I was still asleep.) But this time, it was just an ordinary conversation. I knew she was dead and so did she. Not that either of us mentioned it. I asked how things were going where she -- they -- were, and she said, oh, it was very nice. They were going out to dinner often. At my end, I was picturing Shirl and Jack in some sort of eternal assisted living place, very nice, plain, but nice. She was telling me that they were very comfortable where they were. In the background, I heard a newspaper rattling and then my father's voice calling out to remind her "Tell her ..." but I couldn't hear what he said. (I realized at this point that the earpiece of the headset was on my deaf ear, although I could hear until I remembered that.) She repeated it, but I couldn't hear her very well either. I said I was having trouble hearing; I think she said something like, well, bye for now, and then I hung up the phone/woke up.

I woke up smiling and amused. Now I figure that every so often, I'll just get a really long-distance call from my mother in a dream. I haven't once dreamed about her face-to-face since she died, I think, but this is okay. I liked this a lot. There was nothing profound, no messages from beyond. She did say that neither of them cared for the bread they got with their dinner, but I don't think that's going to shake the earth anytime soon.

So do I believe in heaven and that Jack and Shirl are there and this was their way of contacting me?

Uh ... well, no. No, I don't go for that kind of thing, usually. There's something, maybe, and whatever I do that's something like praying, it's just talking to them, and to my grandparents. This wasn't a message.

It was just nice to hear her voice again. Looking forward to next time.

I'm watching Best in Show

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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