the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Things I've Learned from My Daughters 232


8:33 pm

First, I did go back and answer one of the Friday Five questions I left out yesterday, the one with the website you go to and it analyzes your name and you agree or disagree. It really could not have been more wrong, wrong, wrong. Even the stuff that almost looked right -- like trouble sleeping -- was for the wrong reasons, namely that I can't concentrate on one thing or stick to or ever finish anything. It said I have many friends (no) but lose interest in people quickly (no) and that I would do well in sales work or meeting the public. Sales work, eeeuuw! I am so incredibly bad at this kind of thing; trying to sell something to someone always makes me feel like I'm imposing on them. I mean, I am, but I don't like to do that. Anyway, so it just goes to show that this kind of really pop-analysis is always just crap. (Unlike good pop-analysis, like Dr. Phil. He just knows everything, doesn't he? In the good way.)

The other question I didn't answer, really, was the birth certificate name thing. First name the same, maiden name now used as a middle name or initial. Took the Hubs' last name some 26 years ago. He thought that keeping my own was perfectly reasonable. But although it's fine for a middle initial, and it makes a helluva password everywhere, it was just too difficult to spell and/or pronounce. At this point, I've been Purple Chai Hubs for longer than I was Purple Chai, if you get my drift. I like my our last name. Sounds good, spells well.

So I was very amused at inkdragon's list of Things I've Learned from My Children. But it really should have been called Things I've Learned from My Sons. (Ink didn't write it, just reprinted it.) So here are some of my Things I've Learned from My Daughters:

  1. You can put as many return address stickers as you can fit on the baby's head, but she still won't fit into the mailbox.
  2. If you mix together a little of every thing that you can reach in the refrigerator and/or cabinets, it may produce an interesting color, but it will not taste good.
  3. All the glitter is never coming out of that carpet, no matter how many times you vacuum.
  4. If you take the red nail polish into the living room, you will spill it on the gray carpet.
  5. Once the red nail polish has spilled on the gray carpet, there is no way on earth that you will "not notice".
  6. Shaving Barbie's head and telling your little sister that she's undergoing chemo is mean.
  7. It is not easy to explain to a four-year old why Ken has underwear built into his skin but Barbie doesn't.
  8. And all the Barbie shoes and earrings are never coming out of the carpet either.
  9. Not the blue backpack! **sob** I said purple! **SOB** I SAID THE PURPLE BACKPACK!
  10. As the theater goes dark and the movie begins, your little one's voice will be the one announcing "This is the right movie for me, cause I have 24 My Little Ponies at home!"
  11. You might as well let her wear the black patent leather party shoes to pre-school every day, because this is nothing compared to what they'll be wearing when she's in high school.
  12. No matter what they tell you, crazy-gluing nickels to the basement floor is not "arts and crafts."
  13. If one of them is in the bathroom for more than 45 minutes, you can expect her hair to be a different color when she comes out.
  14. If they pick up something in the Junior Department and you can't imagine your little angel wearing it in public, hold it up against yourself and say "I really like this!" Warning: if repeated too often, this tactic will lose its effectiveness.
  15. Don't expect them to ask for your permission again after the first piercing.
  16. It is actually possible to watch Sex and the City with your teenage or just grown daughters. If you keep a straight face and they don't see how mortified you are, they'll think you're cool.
  17. If you are out later than they expect you to be home and don't call, it will Freak.Them.Out. Give it a try; it's fun.

with much love for my wonderful R and K -- mommy

I'm watching a horrible movie they picked out

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So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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