the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Stolen Survey 327


7:46 am

I got it from LA, who got it from someone else, and now I see that trinity did it too. I left out a few that don't apply to me at all in the interest of it's already really long.

LAYER ONE: On The Outside
Name = Online I generally refer to myself as Chai, which is what my purple tattoo is.
Birth date = January 12, 1953
Birthplace = Bronx, New York City
Current Location = Northern New Jersey, 10 miles west of Manhattan.
Eye Color = Green
Hair Color = Brown, gray at the temples and around the hairline
Height = 5'2" and a half and going down.
Righty or Lefty = Righty
Zodiac Sign = Capricorn

LAYER TWO: On The Inside
Your heritage = Ashkenazi, which is Eastern European Jewish
Shoes you wore today = mostly barefoot
Your fears = Snakes. Not too keen on bridges and highway ramps.
Your perfect pizza = Plain pizza, maybe with mushrooms, from the local place, nice thin, but not crazy thin, crust. I also like white pizza with shrimp.
Goal you'd like to achieve = Retirement, grandchildren

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up = What day is this? Is it a weekend? Or do I have to go to hell today?
Your best physical feature = Used to be my eyes, but they're not exactly even anymore, so not so much. I don't know, do I even have a best physical feature anymore?
Your bedtime = between nine and ten

Pepsi or Coke = Don't drink cola. Ginger ale or root beer.
McDonald's or Burger King = Love them whoppers with cheese.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea = Snapple decaf ice tea, all freaking day long.
Chocolate or vanilla = I am a vanilla-holic.
Cappuccino or coffee = Coffee is good, but I really like the vanilla latte.

Smoke = For over 30 years until this past summer.
Cuss = Indeed I do.
Sing = Only when I'm alone in the house or the car, or to babies too young to talk. I always sang to my children, and to my niece and nephews.
Take a shower everyday = Hmmm ... confession time. I'll skip a day if I'm not going anywhere; I hate to get wet and can only take a shower if I do it as soon as I wake up and don't think about it. Otherwise, I'll put it off and not get around to it. I always feel very guilty somehow about this.
Have a crush(es) = Aw, you know I do.
Think you've been in love = Pretty sure about it, in fact. Yes.
Like(d) high school = Does anyone? It had its good moments, but I was eager to get the hell out of there.
Want to get married = Been married for 26 years and counting.
Believe in yourself = I actually think that I do.
Get motion sickness = Only when I read in the car. Can't do that at all. We took a family trip when I was about nine, and I puked at various scenic locations all over New Hampshire.
Think you're attractive = Except for random moments in my late teens/early twenties, not usually.
Think you're a health freak = Bwhahahahahahaha!
Get along with your parents = I did most of the time.
Like thunderstorms = LOVED them as a kid, especially if I was outside, like on a front porch or in a picnic pavillion or something. Now I just think a tree is going to fall on the house.
Play an instrument = I can only play the iPod.

LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...
Drank alcohol = No.
Smoked = No.
Done a drug = Only prescriptions. That's enough. I'm afraid if I take anything else I'll implode.
Made Out = No.
Gone to the mall = Yes.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos = Over the course of a few days, I think so.
Eaten sushi = Yes, but only vegetable sushi. The fish kind grosses me out.
Been on stage = Not in the last months, but I talked to the freshman class in the high school auditorium in September. I do not perform.
Been dumped = No
Gone skating = Heavens. I tried roller skating once about 16 years ago. Haven't been on ice skates since I was a kid.
Gone skinny dipping = Never in my whole life.
Dyed your hair = Stopped a few years ago. The only good thing ever about my hair is that I'm graying nicely.
Stolen anything = Over the years, ashtrays from hotels, a mug from airplanes and once from a hospital. Not even towels.

Played a game that required removal of clothing = I have not.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated = Once, freshman year of college, on Boone's Farm Apple Wine! I was literally sick for three days.
Been caught "doing something" = What?
Been called a tease = Me?
Gotten beaten up = Ooh, I don't think so. When I was about 8, I think, a bully picked on me and I actually took him down in one shot with a nasty move I'd seen on TV. (I assumed that when boys fought, they did that sort of thing.) He ran home crying.
Shoplifted = Never that I can recall.

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married = I was 24.
Numbers and Names of Children = 2 daughters, whom I do not generally name in my diary. R will be 23 in March, K will be 20 in April.
Describe your dream wedding = A good one! I dreamed of a winter wedding, to match my winter birthday. I wanted to wear a candlelight lace gown with long sleeves, and have bridesmaids in burgundy velvet long dresses with empire waists, trimmed with lace to match my dress. I pictured lit candles everywhere. In fact, I was married in July, 100 degrees, 99 % humidity, in a sleeveless dress with a jacket I never put on except for the picture. My matron and maid of honor wore light blue, also sleeveless, because my sister was very pregnant and happened to have a blue dress she could wear.
How do you want to die = In my sleep.
What do you want to be when you grow up = Whatever it was, I think I grew up already somewhere along the line.
What country(ies) would you most like to visit = Ireland and Scotland. (I'm going to England and Wales in February.) I'd love to travel in the Canadian Northwest, as well as the closer parts of Canada, like Quebec. I hear Nova Scotia is beautiful.

LAYER NINE: In a boy/girl
Best eye color? = Green.
Best hair color? = Love red hair! Not so fond of blond hair on men, or in general.
Short or long hair = Not long like shoulder length, although that's really fine too. I guess full is the best way to describe it. Although bald on the right guy looks good.
Height = Best height for men, I guess, anywhere from 5'4" or 5" up to about 5'10". Any taller than that and I feel like a dwarf. Men shorter than I am are not so common, but lack of height was never an issue for me. My husband is 5'10", which is just fine.
Best articles of clothing = Jeans. 100%. Case closed.
Best first date location = I can barely remember that far back. Something about always looking for the perfect cheesecake.

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
Number of drugs taken illegally = I smoked a lot of pot for a very short period during my freshman year of college, and then sporadically for a few years after. Haven't touched it for more than 25 years now. Last time I was offered, there was only a kind of pipe I'd never used before, and I couldn't make it work with my somewhat paralyzed lips. I loved it when I was doing it, but I've never missed it at all.
Number of people I could trust with my life = Wow. 2 or 3, I think, plus my children.
Number of CDs that I own = A lot. Maybe 250.
Number of piercings = 1 in my right ear, 2 in my left.
Number of tattoos = Just the purple chai on the inside of my left wrist. When I come up with a good location (as in, one that doesn't move or shift or sag for the duration of my life) I may get another.
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = Maybe ten, probably not that many, probably in connection with Girl Scouts when my girls were small. Once in a headline of the high school paper when I was a kid.
Number of scars on my body = Geez, who counts? Several from childhood that are faded, including the smallpox vaccine circle and chicken pox scar, a whole variety of acne scars that are also pretty faded, one on my scalp from a car accident, which sometimes prompts hair-washers to ask me if I know I've got a scar on my head ("Why, no! Really?") and the one on the back of my neck from the brain tumor surgery.
Number of things in my past that I regret = Anytime I ever hurt or ignored or otherwise did a bad thing to someone I cared about, including those childish indiscretions and moments without tact that still can make me feel bad and even ashamed. How many? I never counted.

I'm watching Today Show

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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