LA - 2005-07-26 21:09:03
Yeah, I'm disappointed too. Aside from my gapped front teeth (which I love) I'd only wanted the gorgeous early silver-grey from my da's DNA. So far I'm like you and my maternal grandmother. When she died at 88 she had a natural white streak from her widow's peak and the rest of her hair was still auburn. I've got little speckles of grey that mix in perfectly with my foils, but am far, far from the silver I long for. My hairdo would be 100% badass in silver. ~LA
Suburban Island - 2005-07-26 21:26:16
I like beautiful grey hair too and I love your husband's comments about your high school braids.
Karyl - 2005-07-27 00:14:44
I've got a tad bit of grey at my temples, even though I'm only 26, but I'm praying to all that is holy that I end up with my dad's hair. He dyed it for almost 20 years with Grecian Formula before he gave in to the fact that he's got grey hair -- and it's a lovely silver. If I go all grey early like he did (he was in his early 30s) I'm hoping that it becomes his shade of silver. It's too pretty! :o)
l-empress - 2005-07-27 12:06:11
Husbands who don't notice: M.D. tells the story of when *Husband* remarked on her hair before That Man of Hers. However, I hold the records, I'm sure. I put on a red clown nose and wore it in the kitchen for at least half an hour before Husband noticed.

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