the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

I may have slept for 5 minutes 132


7:20 pm

Perhaps. I did sleep a little last night, after three nights of almost not at all. You'll all be pleased to see that I can once again locate the punctuation keys on the keyboard.

So we were without Internet for a few hours at school this morning, and damn if we haven't all grown dependent on that clever network. When the Internet goes down like this, Verizon likes to tell us it's because of "the weather." Now, it's not as if we're telegraphing news from the East over wire-strung poles precariously placed across the wide prairies, here, we're talking underground cables (probably) linking suburb to suburb. There's just something incredibly out-of-sync in the Internet not working because of the weather. And anyway, it was a beautiful sunny day today, so there.

I've just spent about two days trying to work out an HTML/java script thing for the school website, so if I sleep at all tonight, I think I'll be dreaming in code. (When I first started using Windows years ago, for a couple of nights I dreamed in Windows, clicking the X at the upper right of my dream to end it before opening up the next one. No kidding.) I kind of get HTML -- it's letters and numbers and brackets, I guess -- but I think the java scripts are magic. I have no idea how they work; I could no more write a java script or explain one than I could fly or speak Greek. But I did lift a nice little one from somewhere and then tinkered and tinkered. And then I read the directions, and voila! It worked.

What a boring day. The SCM was off on a field trip yesterday as the extra chaperone, so of course he had to regale me with every gory detail within minutes of getting to school this morning. He then gave me a CD full of pictures he had taken, presumably for me to put on the school website. He needs a serious case of perspective.

I watched some of that Manor House Monday night, and taped it last night (because Idol was on, of course!), and although I normally eat this stuff up I'm just not getting into this one. I totally loved Frontier House and the World War II House when they were on. What's next, I wonder? Perhaps we should send in suggestions to PBS. I would happily be the consultant for Fifties Suburb House, but I can't see that as much of a hit. Perhaps Colonial Williamsburg House. Hmm, some poor images pop up with that one, so maybe Plymouth Pilgrims House. No slavery there, just lots of repression and witch-burning. So okay.

Oooh, Idol. I talked to K before on the eve of finals, and she said she thought Neil Sedaka (on Idol last night) was creepy. Actually he seemed sort of old and sweet to me, and the least creepy I ever saw him. So if this was an improvement ... But he sure can write a song, and I thought they all did his songs so well. I never knew that he wrote Where the Boys Are. It just better be Josh or Trenyce (she creeps me out) tonight, that's all. That Kimberley is good.

My niece is engaged but isn't back from her vacation yet and we are going crazy! Her mother hasn't even gotten to give her a hug yet, for crying out loud! I wanna wedding! I wanna wedding!

Tomorrow is Bring Your Laptop to Work day, at least for me. If the Internet goes down -- is that a cloud passing overhead? -- I can hook it up to the phone.

I'm watching Friends

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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