the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Questions, Questions, Questions 515


12:24 pm

But first, today's aggravation. I woke up at 3:30 am to find that K had left a printout on my desk regarding a possible strike at British Airways next week. That would be, of course, the day she's traveling. She's leaving here next Thursday night, arriving in London Friday morning, and then going on to Berlin from there. But one of the BA unions may strike on Friday. So, after imagining her stuck (and panicking) at Heathrow Aiport, I made a variety of phone calls this morning, and the operative mode is, don't panic. The strike may be resolved before then. Or, when she arrives at Heathrow, BA will make sure she, and the rest of the plane's passengers, get to Berlin somehow. Or, if we really get nuts, the travel agent will re-book her flight for a day earlier and we'll get her a hotel room for a night in Berlin. Geez. It sure would be nice if such a thing ever went through without complications. Which now remains to be seen.

I stole this from golfwidow. So sue me.
  1. Were you named after anyone? According to custom, I had to be named for a dear departed, and my sister had already been named for my mother's grandmother, to whom she was very close, and then they ran out of interesting dead people. I was named after my father's father's mother, who lived and died on the other side (Eastern Europe) and whose name was Rasel. They gave me a name that starts with R, and Rasel for a "Jewish" name, which I've never had to use for anything even once.
  2. Do you wish on stars? No. I probably did when I was a kid.
  3. Which finger is your favorite? It's an odd fact of my life that I love all of my fingers. I've always been fascinated by them.
  4. When did you last cry? I do not recall. A far ... cry from years ago (pre-menopause) when I could cry all the time at almost anything.
  5. Do you like your handwriting? I have several handwritings, in fact, which must mean something. I like them all. Handwriting has also always fascinated me. I print a great deal, too.
  6. What's your favorite lunch meat? Ham.
  7. Any bad habits? I should hope to tell you.
  8. What is your most embarrassing CD on the shelf? A lot of my CDs are embarrassing.I'm going to go with Beatles for Babies.
  9. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Yes. I am exactly the kind of person I would want to be friends with.
  10. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? *Sigh* Probably. But never a secret that actually mattered. Not that this should even be a factor, but it is. I've never revealed anything serious that was entrusted to me.
  11. Do looks matter? They sure seem to. Not to me, particularly, but to an awful lot of people, don't you think?
  12. How do you release anger? I used to cry or spazz out. I don't even experience anger much anymore, for some reason. When I'm very upset, it raises my blood pressure.
  13. Where is your second home? The car. Or the high school where I work. I'd rather it be the car.
  14. Do you trust others easily? I think ... not.
  15. What was your favorite toy as a child? When I was about five, I had a sock monkey that I loved to pieces. When I was about 7, my grandmother bought me a life-size, yet hollow and inexpensive, baby doll, which I still have.
  16. What class in school do you think is totally useless? For me, it was nearly every math class I ever took past arithmetic, although I get the point of geometry. I think it's pointless to make non-math thinkers take advanced algebra and/or trigonometry.
  17. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Looks that way.
  18. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? Certainly not. I wouldn't know a mosh pit if I fell into one.
  19. What do you look for in a guy/girl? We're not talking romantically here, since I did that nearly 30 years ago, and I haven't had the need to do it again since. I like being in the company of people who are amusing, and not full of themselves.
  20. What are your nicknames? The Hubs and I call each other "Dear", in part because neither of us likes our names. I never had a real nickname as a child, but now many people call me "Ro", which is short for my name.
  21. Would you bungee jump? Not in this lifetime. Or in any other.
  22. Do you think that you are strong willed? In some situations, I am very strong-willed. In others, not so much.
  23. What's your favourite ice cream flavour? Vanilla. Case closed.
  24. Shoe Size? Seven and a half, I think, but I wear eight because I like shoes roomy.
  25. What are your favourite colours? Purple. (You knew that.) Navy blue, and gray.
  26. What is your least favourite thing? Snakes.
  27. How many wisdom teeth do you have? None at the moment. At one time, I had three. The fourth one was never there.
  28. How many people have a crush on you right now? Not a one, I would think.
  29. What color pants are you wearing? Blue. Jeans. It is virtually the only kind of pants I wear, except gray yoga pants to sleep in.
  30. What are you listening to right now? The TV is on, as always.
  31. Last thing you ate? W8 Watchers Chocolate Cookie ice cream pop.
  32. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? My favorite crayon as a kid was Burnt Sienna. It was a very cool color.
  33. What is the weather like right now? Not too bad today. Not raining, not much humidity.
  34. Last person you talked to on the phone? My sister.
  35. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? I think I notice how tall a man is. No idea why; it doesn't make a difference. It's just what I notice first.
  36. How are you today? Okay.
  37. Favourite drink? Iced tea.
  38. Favourite alcoholic drink? Gin and tonic, although I rarely drink. I also like a Sombrero..
  39. Favourite Sport Baseball. I like my baseball.
  40. Hair colour? My hair is an unspectacular shade of brown, which is graying at the temples, and here and there across the top, like highlights. I totally love the way my hair is graying. It's the best characteristic my hair has ever had.
  41. Eye colour? Green.
  42. Do you wear contacts? Nevah! I have no desire to, and couldn't anyway, because of allergies and the various other problems I've had with my right eyelid. I wear progressive bifocals, pretty much all the time, although I take them off at the movies.
  43. Siblings? I have a sister who is four and half years older than I am. The Hubs has a sister who is three years younger than he is.
  44. Favourite food? My current favorite is shrimp.
  45. Last movie you watched? I saw Fahrenheit 911 in the theater last month. I watched Malibu's Most Wanted on TV the other day, and was amused.
  46. What is your favourite day of the year? My birthday. That's January 12.
  47. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Again, no longer an issue. I don't think I was ever in a position to do this, anyway. But yes, I would have been too shy.
  48. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy, please. Don't like the scary.
  49. Hugs or kisses? Hugs are always nice.
  50. What are your current Living Arrangements? Come November, we will be in this house for 19 years, which is hands down the longest I have lived in one place. I live here with the Hubs, and technically with both daughters, although one is going back to college, and the other is coming home in October from a year abroad and unlikely to want to live with Mommy and Daddy for much longer after that.
  51. What's on your mouse pad? No mouse pads for me. I've had a variety of them over the years, but now I'm down to none.
  52. Favourite board game? Monopoly. I'm boring.
  53. What did you watch on TV last night? The Family Guy marathon on Fox..
  54. Favourite Smell? Vanilla. I also like the smell of garlic cooking in olive oil.
  55. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? I establish in my head what day of the week it is and what time it is.
  56. Favorite sound? I always say that my favorite sound is my younger daughter's laughter, which is wonderful, although a little more restrained now that she's an adult (although I heard a good one the other day.) My least favorite sound, not that anyone asked, is a strong wind.
I cut out a couple of questions that just didn't seem to make sense for me. I'm just saying.

I'm watching Saved By the Bell. Really.

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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