the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

I Hate Politics 559


8:02 pm

I wish that their debate rules had said that neither of them is allowed to talk about the other one EVER and that they are required to answer the questions they've been asked and that they must talk only about their own programs, policies, promises, and ideas. Maybe then we could make informed choices. This sniping and lying is counterproductive to the whole electing-a-leader thing.

I've been feeling extremely unpopular for the last two days because I've received absolutely no email, and now I just realized that my Outlook Express is not expressing itself properly and I had two days of mail to catch up on. Since email is the way I know I've got comments, I just didn't know I had any. So thanks for the good wishes both pre- and post-mammo.

Did I mention that R may be gainfully employed come Monday? Not in her chosen field -- that'll take a while, I think -- but somewhere, anywhere, since she's down to her last pound, and that isn't even good here. It does seem that she was called in to work on Monday and not just for an interview, but we'll know for sure then. Nothing specific, but it looks like she'll sure know how to make me a good cup of coffee, and should be able to bring home new books and magazines as soon as they come out. Ahem.

In news from odd phenomenon land, I've been watching several new TV shows this season, including three hour-long dramas, which I haven't watched at all for years. Wow, it's amazing how much of that stuff I just don't hear. I never have that problem with the comedies; I think they talk slower in general to let all the jokes sink in. And R is getting plenty annoyed with me asking her to repeat all the important lines, and I don't blame her. I tried plugging some old stereo speakers into the TV, which, if you're thinking of doing that, doesn't work. You need to plug amplified speakers (i.e., with their own power source) into a TV to get sound out of them. So I went to Best Buy this morning and got this set of wireless amplified speakers, and now I have a speaker right on my desk and I can actually hear! (It's not that I couldn't hear the sound before -- I can -- but that I can't always make out the actual words.) An excellent gadget, as gadgets go.

I took this quiz, but I'm not so sure about the results. I've mentioned before, I have a love/hate relationship with New York City. I was born there, I'm very happy to live ten miles away from there, but I never go. Even so, there's no other city that appeals to me at all -- okay, maybe DC a little -- but anyway, here you go:

Take the quiz: "Which American City Are You?"

Your dark exterior masks a caffeine driven activism. You'll take up a cause and you'll get ugly to advance it.

I'm watching Degrassi

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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