the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Son of a Gun, Gonna Get Things Done 561


3:29 pm

8:09 am

I've had my coffee, taken my meds, read the paper, cleaned the litterbox. Slept until 7:15, yay! Should have been at work by then, but heh heh heh. In-service days so suck. I'm going to sort my laundry and move my car out of R's way in the driveway.

9:17 am

The basement is done, except for the final sorting through of 20 years worth of prom dresses (mine), dressy kids' clothes (theirs) and one suit of the Hubs', I believe, that goes back about 17 years and 60 pounds. But this is not the highest priority, so if I don't get to that today, I don't. I also have two odd and HUGE jackets, one tan suede that I think R got at the second-hand store for $5 but it would cost $50 to clean, and one totally bizarre purple leather blazer that is marked size small but which would fit Refrigerator Perry. My Chum found this among her 70s things once and thought one of my girls would like it. It has padded shoulders, I mean, really padded shoulders. Did I mention it's mismarked and should be size H for humongous? I don't know what to do with these two beauties.

There are sweaters all over my bed, some of them my mother's that didn't turn up until today, and a pile of jackets on the living room couch that need to go to the cleaners. I need to get to the Office Depot to get another plastic drawer thingy for my closet (to hold the sweaters) but first, some phone calls.

R is up and getting ready for her first day on the new job.

Oops, I forgot to eat breakfast. I'm feeling a bit peckish. Best take care of that.

11:03 am

Back from my travels. Got what I needed to get, returned what I needed to return. On to the closet.

I'm also waiting to hear from an audiologist to see if someone can get the static out of my hearing aids today. That would be nice.

Heard from R via cell phone. There was some speculation as to whether she was going in to work today or for an interview, and it turns out it was an interview, but she's going back for a second interview with the manager tomorrow, and she sounded pretty positive about it, so that's good. Expecting her home within the hour.

Gotta go put a wash in the dryer.

11:49 am

R is back, thought the interview went well. We'll see tomorrow. In the meantime, I've been exploring in the attic. Maybe some pictures later. I went there to find two things: a wooden doll cradle I finished for one of the girls for Christmas years ago (which will look so nice in my living room now) and a cross-stitch I made for K's room when she was little. Didn't find the cross-stitch, but I did find my thimble collection and one of my father's Army caps. But my big find was a small suitcase -- a valise, they called it -- that was my grandmother's, that has her initials stamped on it, which is navy and so will also look nice somewhere in my living room, once it's cleaned up. As if that wasn't treasure enough, I opened it and inside were three of my favorite childhood possessions: two dolls (I exclaimed "My boys!" because I always preferred boy dolls) and my little-girl Singer sewing machine. Perhaps more on that wonderful item later. Anyway, now I've got dolls to put in the cradle; I just need to make a new blanket or pillow cover. Good thing I found the sewing machine.

Yes. Sweaters.

2:11 pm

All sweaters are in the closet. Yay. It can get cold now and I can still go to work in the mornings. (Hmm. Is that a good thing?)

The audiologist has not called me back, which makes me glad that I didn't sit here waiting for her call. We just made an A&P run to pick up a few items, because ... drumroll ... R is making dinner. Yes, it's true. If you live long enough, miracles will happen.

My car is packed full of all kinds of stuff going to the cleaners or to recycling, which is closed for Columbus Day today. (Shades of Alice's Restaurant again, eh?) Every time I drive over a bump in the road, everything rattles around in a most annoying manner. What's the purpose of the Columbus Day holiday, anyway? Do we not now know that the whole Columbus story is essentially a schoolbook legend? How does this guy get credit for discovering a continent when there were already people living here? If we're going to have an Italian-American day, why don't we just call it that? And if we have an Italian-American day and an Irish-American day, why don't we have a German-American day? Aren't Germans the other really big immigrant group that makes up a big chunk of our population?

Being home is soooo much better than being at work. See, my mind is all cleared to think very important and big thoughts.

Going to move the last laundry and take a couple of pictures.

3:15 pm

Drawing to a close. First, the results of my attic sortie:

Grandma's valise and Jack's cap. (There are several of these floating around, but only one officer's cap with a brim, which my sister has in her foyer. The cap is not striped, although it looks that way in the picture. It's solid Army khaki)

My thimbles, which I had mostly forgotten the existence of, but which are fascinating, an old movie magazine I bought once at an antique shop, and the baby Singer.

My boys! From left to right, that's Tiny Chatty Brother, aka Timmy, the giant cheap baby doll, aka Louis, and Matty Mattel. I called him Matty, of course. (Louis was not in the valise, just in the attic.) My peops!

I'm watching In & Out

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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