the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Silly Old Bear 984


5:13 pm

Although I am always the fan and proponent of all things elctronic-y and gadget-like, one of the things I have never succumbed to is paying bills online. There seems to be an inherent risk in that, both of personal information escaping into the ether, and of mistakes being made and payments not being recorded. Sending a check via real mail just seemed safer to me. The one time I did try to get into the habit of paying a bill online, which was just transferring money from the checking account into the mortgage payment at the same bank, I goofed up one month because there was no proper paper trail and paid my mortgage late (after they called me and told me I'd forgotten to pay.) Since then, I haven't been interested. Until today, when I got the cell phone bill and it showed that last month's check was not received. I called them, I cleared it all up, and then I realized that if I set it up to pay automatically each month with a credit card, it will probably always just go through on the right day and be correct. So, my mistake. (Well, maybe. Time will tell.) So I guess I will end up paying bills electronically, one by one, over the years, until I've got them all in there that way. Still seems like I'd be giving up a whole lot of control over where and when the money goes. But the mortgage, never. I'm too afraid of that one.

So I did not go to work, and after I slept in a few extra hours, the sinus headache reduced itself to a dull ache as opposed to searing pain, so I wasn't in such terrible shape most of the day, even though I could not have dragged myself out at 7 am, as I normally would have. I did go to the doctor in the afternoon, who confirmed sinusitis and prescribed antiobiotics and a decongestant spray that won't interfere with the blood pressure meds. He also said I should take tylenol for the pain, which means a) he has never experienced pain personally, and b) he must be the only person left who doesn't think that tylenol is some sort of placebo. Well, I do take it sometimes, and once out of twenty times it might have some sort of effect, but generally, the only times I've known tylenol to do anything for pain is when I've been given it as the codeine/tylenol combo in hospitals. Now that works. So now I'm eagerly awaiting the delivery from the pharmacy, at which time I will start popping those pills. Yes, I'm going to work tomorrow.

It has been a very gray, rainy, slushy day today, and the rest of the week promises the same. Ick. This also means, I'm sure, the obligatory phone call from the MIL tonight to inquire as to the state of our weather and to see how it compares with theirs, an hour and a half to the south. Oh well, they're old, what else have they got to do. I already know from the TV that what fell here as slush is seven or eight inches of snow just 45 minutes north of here, where the SIL lives.

I must be better, because I found the energy to take the ornaments off the tree today, and put them away. [THEY ARE IN THE LIVING ROOM, IN THE TWO TOP LEFT DRAWERS. EVERYBODY REMEMBER THAT.] I didn't take the lights down, though, because when the Hubs put them on the tree last week, or whenver that was, I passed by the room once -- he doesn't like to let me know that he's doing something I asked him to do; he must be surreptitious about it -- and he was looking not pleased about disentangling the strings that I had just heaped together last year. So I'm leaving it; he can take them off and wind them up however he wants to. [AND THEN HE WILL PUT THEM IN ONE OF THE TOP LEFT DRAWERS, WITH THE ORNAMENTS. OR, I WILL.]

Did I mention that the cat is also on antiobiotics, two of them? The vet called with the results of her tests on Saturday, and said she has, I think, Inflammatory Bowel Disease. I did not immediately reply, "Hey, me too!" although I almost did. Anyway, it's Syndrome in people, and not an infection. This is supposed to diminish her appetite and put a little weight back on her at the same time. I know how much everybody in Internet-land loves reading cat blogs, so I thought I'd just do my part.

Did I also mention that on Christmas, before the SIL and her family arrived, K found the opportunity, not to mention the guts, to explain to her grandparents that attending her graduation would be somewhat problematic for them? Good for her; she did her part. Their response? The FIL said he didn't want to think about it now. Oh...kay. But at least they know. He was hoping that the ceremony would be outdoors (as R's was) and he could sit in his car and watch from there (as he did at R's.) Uh, no such luck. This is not a rural campus, with plenty of wide-open spaces with adjoining parking lots. This is a city school; it has a self-contained campus (not just city blocks and buildings), but everything is very compact; the quad is small and surrounded by classroom buildings, not parking. There is no stadium because they have virtually no outdoor sports teams, just an indoor arena where the ceremony will be held. And no parking near the arena, either. I hope they got the message, but we'll just have to wait and see.

Well, this is a longer entry than I'd anticipated. I guess I am feeling just a bit better. Hope I sleep tonight.

I'm watching The Simpsons on DVD

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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