the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Another Day 1021


8:12 pm

Fi posted this quiz, which for some reason would not let me take it, and it said for her that she would be reincarnated as herself, and have to live this life over, but with lots of deja vu. While amusing, this is also a horrifying notion. As it is, I have numerous eery moments of beyond-deja vu in which I hear a word the same moment that I read it, and other similar phenomena. *shudder* Next time, at least I'd like to try something different.

My FIL has finally stopped sending me crap email, but he sent me something yesterday that I just loved, and if you are a teacher, you will, too. I'm putting it at the bottom of my entry here since it may not have universal appeal, but trust me, if you are a teacher anywhere -- even you, Kim -- it will put a spin on the afterlife for you.

So here's the update so far.

I was able to talk to my association rep about an hour before lunch. I told her the whole story and said that I wanted her to come to a meeting with me with the principal and this guy, and she's nodding the whole time and said I was right to want a public apology from him and she would absolutely go with me. Right after, I went to the office and made an appointment for Friday morning, 10:30. The principal's secretary is something of an asshole and said at first "Oh, he doesn't have anything open until next week." What is he, the Pope? Anyway, he came out of his office then and saw the look on my face, which was deliberate on my part to look like I was both serious and troubled, and he told her to make the appointment.

In the meantime, we did use the sign-in sheets today, mostly just to show that we weren't being the dicks here, and the kids were really lovely and co-operative and all, but it was absurd. We told them it was a new policy from the office, sorry, not our idea. One boy asked if they were doing this to see how many people would be impacted when the library closes! Interesting, I thought.

I'm also fairly certain that this was just this guy's bright idea out of nowhere and he cleared it with no one, just told me to do it. If I hadn't been so startled by it all, I should have just said to him "Yeah, well the principal wants me to do this instead," but I didn't. I think bullies count on your being so set off balance by their behavior that you won't respond intelligently. Hopefully, someone will say it to him tomorrow. I will certainly ask at the meeting which one of them the principal wants me to listen to.

I just went over and saw R's new place and I liked it and think it will be a neat place for her to live. More on that another time, perhaps.

What happens when teachers die?

A teacher dies and goes to Heaven. When she gets there she meets Peter at the pearly white gates.

Peter says to her, "Welcome to Heaven. Let me give you an orientation first."

So, Peter takes her to some beautiful mansions. The teacher asks, "Who lives here in these beautiful houses?"

"These are for doctors. They did a lot of good on Earth so they get a nice mansion," replied Peter. Peter takes the teacher to some more mansions. These were more magnificent than the first.

"Wow, who lives here?"

"These mansions are for social workers. They did a lot of good on Earth but didn't make a lot of money so they get a better house."

Peter took the teacher to some more mansions. These were the most gorgeous homes she had ever seen. They had huge columns, well manicured lawns, beautiful stained glass windows, the works!

"These are the most beautiful homes I have ever seen," exclaimed the teacher, "Who lives here?!"

"Teachers live here," said Peter, "they did much good on Earth and received very little money so they get the best houses in all of Heaven."

"But where are all of the teachers?" inquired the teacher.

Peter answered, "Oh, they'll be back soon. They're all in Hell at an in-service."

I'm watching Friends

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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