the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Dreamscape 1051


10:00 am

It's about 9:45 am; I just got sent home by the school nurse, basically because I look terrible, My temperature was slightly elevated, but I don't generally run a fever. I've been playing the hot/cold game all night and all this morning, and I slept badly, even for me. So now I'm home and I'm going to try to sleep, since K is coming home tonight and I'd like to be awake, and, coincidentally, not make her sick.

However, I had a fairly intense dream this morning during one of dozing off times between 3 and 6 when I otherwise didn't sleep, and I've been trying to work it out. Here goes.

I was in a large building, like a warehouse store. There were many other people there, and everybody was crowding together to get out the front door. We all knew that there had been some kind of disaster outside, perhaps a quasi-apocalyptic disaster like in that Day After Tomorrow movie, and everyone wanted to get home, or at least out, but the roads outside were blocked off and it was all just very slow. Then I and a few other people realized that we were near a back door, and we went out that way.

Outside, the sky and world were very gray, but the roads were empty. I started walking with some other people; we were walking along roads where cars should have been but there were none. We were following on-ramps and exit-ramps to get on and off of highways, because we could see that they were clear and we knew we could follow them to get where we wanted to go.

Then I was in a car. I thought I was driving, but it turned out that I wasn't. The car came to a stop in a parking lot in a small city near here, I think it was the parking lot of a fast food place but it was closed, and all the buildings around it looked run down, as if they hadn't been occupied in a very long time. The car, as I say, was coming to a stop, but kept hitting other parked cars, bouncing from one to another, and then I realized that I was in the back seat, behind the driver, who was apparantly a teenage girl and it was her car, and I grabbed her shoulder and said "LET ME DRIVE!" Even though she couldn't quite stop the car, somehow I got into the driver's seat and she was in the passenger seat next to me.

I couldn't make the car stop either, although it was going very slowly and just bumping the other cars in the lot that it kept hitting. I looked at the dashboard and there were no dials or guages, more like a couple of post-its hanging off of it that weren't even in the right place anymore. I looked at the gearshift and freaked out. There was a stick but no knob on top, and only three positions for it to be in, all in a straight line, and none of them marked with what they were. All this time, I was stepping down on the brake as hard as I could, but the car would only keep moving. At one point, I yelled to the girl "The brake doesn't work!" and she said, "Oh, I know." I tried pulling up the emergency brake, but nothing happened. I wanted to shift gears, but I couldn't figure out where to shift them to, and then I realized something and yelled to her "There's no reverse gear, or drive!" and she said something like "Uh huh" and that her father kept meaning to fix all that.

And then I woke up.


I'm watching nothing

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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