the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

No Catchy Title 1109


5:38 pm

I did not bring Maxx to school today, which serves me right, because boredom is my constant companion. Lo and behold, a teacher emailed me and asked if I would come to one of her classes next week and do a lesson on documentation and, hell yeah! It remains to be seen what she exactly wants, because she's somewhat not library-oriented, for an English teacher; when she wants her kids to find magazine articles, she brings in a giant stack of Newsweeks from home and gives them to the kids to leaf through. She's not down with our new-fangled concept of magazine "indexes", and doesn't trust anything that comes via the Internet, like the four periodical databases we subscribe to. Hey, I'm not complaining, she wants me to do something with her kids. I'm not looking that gift horse in the mouth.

How old do you have to be for this one, or just a history geek? I looked at the date today -- May 9 -- and said "Hey, isn't this V-E Day?" (Well no, V-E Day was actually yesterday, May 8, but that's beside the point.) No, I wasn't around for the actual V-E Day, May 8 1945, made forever visually memorable by the image of the sailor kissing the girl in Times Square, but it was a date that people still comemorated in my childhood, the end of World War II in Europe. My father would tell where he was when he got the news, and say how his unit was told to expect to be sent to Japan next, for the anticipated land invasion there (which, of course, never took place.)

I've got a big day planned for tomorrow, which should tell you right off the bat that I'm not going to work. It's all carefully laid out, like this:

8 - 12: The new mattress for upstairs is coming sometime in here.
9 - 10: The cleanout guys are coming to get rid of the two treadmills and the exercise bike, none of which have been touched in years, assorted other junk, and the carpeting upstairs, which was there when we moved in. Hopefully they will not be ripping out carpeting when the mattress arrives.
10 --: Go to the vet and pick up copies of the cats' rabies and distemper certificates, needed to check into the cat hotel on Saturday. Fortunately, we can check into the Marriot in DC without ours.
1 - 2: Appointment at the Apple store to ask an hour's worth of Mac questions.
3 - 5: The 1-800-Empire people are coming to show me new carpet for upstairs, and measure.
4 - 6: Fit in a phone call to K somewhere.
5: R arrives. We forage for dinner.
9: LOST!

Cool. I love being busy. If I can squeeze it in, I also need to go to Home Depot to look for a sconce for the wall above the steps upstairs, and maybe get to Nordstrom's for a bra.

Have I reached the TMI point? Just a little bit there at the end?

Those last two may have to wait for after school on Thursday. Oh wait, R is coming back for dinner on Thursday so we can go to the high school play together afterwards, I almost forgot. Both of my kids were very active in the drama club in high school, mostly backstage, although they had the occasional small part. K was the first ever club president in her junior year, and so became the first ever two-year president. My Wonderful Niece had also been president in her senior year, and my eldest nephew was in a half-dozen award-winning ensemble shows. Anyway, my girls still go to every play they can get to, and R would go alone -- she went to the fall play alone -- but I said I would go with her to this one. So that's Thursday. Other than going to these plays twice a year, I have no interest in any involvement with any activity at the school anymore. My, how things have changed.

Okay, I didn't want to school-rant today -- I'm saving that for later in the week -- so I'll just post.

I'm watching The Nanny

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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