the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Life on Venus 1298


5:37 pm

This is what it must be like to live on Venus, where the cloud cover is so thick and constant that you almost never see the sun. It looks like it's going to snow, but it isn't nearly cold enough for that, and there isn't even any rain in the forecast, just gloom. We haven't seen the sun here for days and days.

We had a fire drill in the gloom today, but the good news is that it was the fire drill they needed to test the new elevator under alarm conditions, and it passed. Mega good news for me, because the status of the elevator was the only thing between me and my 16,000 sweet library books, which I now think must be coming in next Monday for sure. The SCM and Media Girl -- a new name for someone I can't believe I've never mentioned before -- are moving their computers and the very last of our items from exile tomorrow.

In other news, my back is better; I wore one of those disposable heat patches all day, which was often a little uncomfortable -- although it helped during the fire drill -- but it's better now. My only broken leg news is that it seems that the doctor's note I needed to explain my week's absence actually said that I was cleared to return to work on November 21 -- tomorrow -- and so the Board of Ed. is charging me with 18 sick days, even though I was there for 13 of them! Hey, I only dragged myself in so I wouldn't use up all my days. I called the dopey doctor's office after school, and they're sending me another note which says I'm cleared to return to work on October 30, which is when I actually did go back. So it should be straightened out, but sheesh. If it's not one thing, it's another.

I did nothing whatsoever after school today because I wanted to be home to hear that my car was ready so I could drop off the rental and go pick it up. But it's not ready yet. (It's almost 5:00.) I called and the mechanic said it will be done today, and he'll call back, but really, I had places to go, people to see. Well, Scarlet, tomorrow is another day.

Today was the first day of spirit week at school, which was such a huge deal for me when I was junior class advisor, but today, I didn't even remember to wear the color of the day, which was red. First time in maybe 25 years I didn't do it. Funny how things change. But I will wear gray tomorrow -- I took it out already -- and on Wednesday, the day we are supposed to wear some kind of school-logo wear, I'll wear what I always do: a school football jersey with my class year on it as the number. That's the big perk here; in senior year, you get to buy -- or you earn it in a fundraiser -- a football jersey with your class year on it and your name on the back. They didn't do this when I was in school, but one year the senior class advisor special-ordered me one, so I'd have it for the pep rally every year. Actually, I also have the girls' jerseys in my closet, so I have choice: I can be from the class of '71 and be 53, the class of '99 and be 25, or the class of '02 and be 22. Not much of a choice, really. One year when I was still class advisor, some of the kids were decorating themselves up and asked if I wanted my hair spray painted red and gray, too. I let them spray on some red, but I told them I already had the gray taken care of.

I am so antsy! And now it's dark! I hope I remember where the lights are in the rental. Ihate driving in the dark, and especially going out in the cold. At this point, I'll just swap the cars when the guy calls and come right home.

I'm watching Still Standing

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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