the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Dear Diarists


2:45 pm

**In 5 days, I will be 50 years old!**

Like many other diary-keepers, I imagine, I have begun to read certain web diaries every day, or almost every day. My daughters have been reading unclebob at Uncle Bob�s Diary for quite some time now, and when I would ask what it was and why they read it, they couldn�t give me a real answer. Okay, I get it now.

Well, I particularly enjoyed some of them today, including one that made me laugh out loud, right here in the library (oops), so I thought I would mention them, and why it makes me happy to read them.

I guess I�ve been looking for others more or less like me, and that�s more or less what I�ve found. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I�m not sure just what I have in common with almostnormal, who just got married last week, but there�s something endearing about her anxiety, hopefulness, and humor. Humor is a big thing with me.

And so today�s winner has got to be weetabix, who despite what she thinks about herself, is not dumber than a box of rocks. She is killer funny. If anyone deserves to get into graduate school, she�s the one.

There are several mommies I�ve come across, some older like me (is anyone in the web diary world as old as me?) and some with little kids, but all of them mommies or teachers whose words have come to mean something to me. In no particular order, sasori-gal, who teaches in Japan, cestelle, the vet, and splorch, younger than I am but a Jersey girl just the same. There�s sunflower, a mommy, and melwadel, like me, a Jewish mommy.

My favorites, in addition to weetabix, include strangerlucy -- another grownup on the Internet? � and kitchenlogic. Seriously, kitchenlogic, teenagers deserve sarcasm. Without teenagers, what fun would sarcasm even be?

Best for last. Is this really the best, or has it become special for more reasons than that? Because she writes so from her soul, and knows her good parts when she sees them, or maybe because hers was one of the first web diaries I happened to come across and start reading, or maybe for none of these reasons, the one I seem to need to look at every day is wifemotherme.

What an interesting world this has become. It turns out that nobody even needs to be famous for 15 minutes. We just need to find each other.

I'm watching

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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