the purple chai
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a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Things 98


4:01 pm

An entry for pieces-ofyou, which has asked the question:
What, if anything, do you collect? Why do you collect these things?.... What do these collections say about who you are or why do you identify with them?

I collect ... things.

I have always collected all kinds of things. How many of these have become actual hobbies, like stamp or coin collecting, I can't say. It's not the same as never throwing anything out, although I never do.

My uncle bought me a Superman comic book when I was seven. I kept buying and reading and collecting Superman comic books until I was about 19, and I still have almost all of them, just over 400. I collect Superman comic books.

When I was eight, someone gave me a book for my birthday, a biography of Juliette Low, who founded the Girl Scouts. For the next three years, I only read biographies, and only in the same series, the Childhood of Famous Americans. Last year I found one on eBay, and since then I've collected over 20 of them. I still have my original Juliette Low, too.

I started collecting antique books when I was a kid, too, mostly textbooks or children's books. I have about 15 of those, not a very big collection.

I have about 40 antique thimbles in a box in the attic.

I have a tiny shelf in my bedroom with about two dozen tiny books on it, the kind you see next to the cashier at Barnes and Noble. A few antique, some Shakespeare, some Mickey Mouse. Others, too.

I have a lot of Mickey Mice and Disney stuffed animals and beanies, pretty much everywhere in the house. You can never have too many Mickey Mice.

I have a lot of Star Trek videos, all of them, actually, of The Next Generation series. I have a Kit-Kat Klock, but only one. (Nobody needs more than one.) I collected it because I remember there was one in my parents' dining room when I was a little kid.

I used to collect mugs, and hung them all on the kitchen walls. I collect Christmas ornaments, Hallmark for a while, but mostly at least one from every vacation we've taken.

I collect toys on my desk at work, mostly Burger King or McDonald's toys, and most of them from Disney movies, like Rex and the Alien from Toy Story, and a Pocket Etch-a-Sketch, for my students to play with when they sit down to talk to me.

I collect a lot of things, nothing of value really. Things I like to have surrounding me, all the time, somewhere, because each thing reminds me of something about myself, some of them about myself when I was a little kid and everything was so much more simple. All the years I spent in Girl Scouting, child and adult. All the years that I was too shy to make a phone call or find other kids to play with, so instead I spent quality time with Superman, and Juliette Low and Dolley Madison and all those other kids whose lives I read about. How DisneyWorld is the best place ever and that I love being there more than anyplace else. How much I loved to look up at the dining room wall and trace the pattern on the wallpaper with my little four year old fingers and see the cat's black tail swing back and forth and back and forth over my head forever. How I started collecting the tiny books when my own kids turned into teenagers, all because I could see myself someday holding a grandchild on my lap and letting them pick one of grandma's little books to read, and I thought that would be so cool. How much I do enjoy watching Patrick Stewart, the Star Trek guy.

Things ... I collect things ... memories of me.

54dF - snow melting!

I'm watching Futurama on video

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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