the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

WTF? 1232


7:30 pm

Did anyone else see this insane article?

No wonder they're all crazy over at Bushie's place. This guy who's in charge of the whole damn Air Force thinks that ordinary people expressing their constitutional right to freedom of speech are the new guinea pigs for whatever "non-lethal" weapons the military might dream up. And no one, apparently, said, "Uh, okay, rubber room for you," but instead, they considered it. Let's use weapons on our own citizens? This is all turning into a very bad dsytopic B-movie, if you ask me. Anyone out there thinking of not voting in the upcoming elections, this is what not voting means. You have got to go vote, and vote for Democrats whether you agree with them or not, because someone has got to stop this shit and that someone is you and me, babe. We need to let them know that this is not okay.

Rant over.

New rant.

I am a little miffed at the good people at Apple today. When I came home, the computer said I needed to update iTunes, and I needed to update Quicktime if I want the iTunes update to work. If I have Quicktime Pro, I will need to go get a new registration key. Which is what happened. I need a new registration key, for $29.99. May I tell you when I finally took the step and upgraded, for $29.99, to Quicktime Pro in the first place?

That would be Monday. Monday afternoon. Less than 48 hours before they told me my software was useless and I would have to buy it again.

Pissed off doesn't come close. I sent an email and explained it all; we'll see what happens.

Then, the new iTunes now offers games, but only if you have a video iPod, which oddly, I do. I downloaded a nice Mah Jongg for $4.99. It said before I bought it that these games could not be played on your computer, but would be copied over to the iPod. Downloaded. Synched up. Got an error message: "This game could not be copied to your iPod because it is not authorized to be played on this computer." No shit, Sherlock. I knew going in that it couldn't be played on the computer. Sent off another email there. I don't need them for new pen-pals, y'know.

Speaking of odd websites today, I went first to the site for the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary so I could make a donation in honor of a friend's sister who just passed away. It seems they only take donations online, and only take donations in someone's name if you're naming a wing or a room after them. Uh, no. I tried the American Cancer Society -- the woman died of cancer, but her husband is an eye surgeon, so that explains that -- and their website has a questionable certificate, not that anyone really knows what that means. I called the Eye hospital and got a message that my call is very important so I should leave my contact information and they'll get back to me. Fuck that shit, too. I don't need to start getting phone calls. I called them when the time was good for me so I could give them some money. I'm starting to feel like the guy in the Twilight Zone who only wants to go back to a peaceful little town in the past called Willoughby. Know that one? Oh wait, he was really dead. No, that's not for me, I think.

The kids were starting to come in for their I.D. cards today, and I like that, I like them. So I'm busy and I'm seeing kids again. Not a bad day there today, except it was so hot. Have I mentioned that they've sealed off all the windows in the faculty rooms -- built walls over them, actually -- and we're not sure if it's air conditioned or not? Probably, because we weren't sweating bullets in there, but it was early in the day. It's extremely claustrophobic.

I'm falling back into my old sleep pattern of collapsing early, then waking up a few hours later and eating. I do not like this, Sam. (I am.) The only good thing is, I sleep very well when I'm asleep, if that makes any sense; I don't sleep as lightly as I used to and wake up again and again all night long. So that's all good. I'd just like to go to sleep at 11 like a normal person and stay asleep the whole night. Ah, as I did through most of the summer. Well, that explains that.

I'm watching Raymond

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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