the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Sunday 139


3:53 pm

When I don't write for a couple of days, I think of things the whole time: ooh, I'll write this, then this, when I get to the computer. But then I forget what I had in my head, and random blips just fall out. It's one of those.

K gave me my mother's day gift on Friday night, since she had just made it and couldn't wait to give it to me. She downloaded as many American Idol clips she could get of Ruben and Clay, and made me a CD. I loved it! There are so many, since what they sing on the show is usually short, so there are 25 or more clips on the CD. (She filled in the empty space with a little Kelly and Justin, but **disclaimer** everything is a clip from the show, and not from a recording.) So that was really nice. And R called today from school to say the Mother's Day thing, too.

Ah, the Mother's Day thing. I told Hubs that when he and K call his mother I will not be getting on the phone, wishing her a happy m.d., as that would be difficult for me. I did not say it was partly because I'm still angry at her, but I did say that this is a hard day for me, first m.d. without a mom for me. This is true, too, of course, and I guess you gotta start with baby steps. So for me, this is progress.

Between the CD from K and all those questions about organization on this week's Friday 5, I got me some motivation and cleaned up my desk a little, but mostly I've been straightening out all my CDs and mp3 files. (Wait, that was last week's Friday 5, sort of.) So when I sit down at the computer, that's mostly what I've been doing this weekend. Now they're all in nice categories and alphabetical order, so there, Friday 5, question # 4.

And speaking of progress -- I was, wasn't I, somewhere? -- the totally excellent news of the week is that L, the student I've mentioned who came down with meningitis in February, they thought maybe she wouldn't make it, and so on: she's coming back to school this week! Probably part time, but hey, is that great or what? She can't wait, she's so excited. And she's doing so well.

I'm watching Hearts and Souls (movie)

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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