the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

No Guestbooks Tonight! 150


9:36 pm

It seems that signmyguestbook is not working so well tonight, and here I am, full of merry response. Well, response. But first, the briefest of brief updates:

day off today -- unused snowday -- new desk delivered by 10 am -- so cool to own a piece of furniture made of actual wood and not particle board -- picture to follow -- work tomorrow, ick

Okay, that's it.

To lorisor: Thanks for your thoughts; they are much appreciated. Funny how that circle of life thing turns out to be true, isn't it? This coming Friday is also my father's birthday, which he is of course not here to share, but it's also the first birthday of my cousin's twin grandchildren, who were born last year almost three months premature. My cousin actually got on a plane just hours after my mother's funeral (in NJ) to join her son and his wife (in San Francisco) where these babies were born at under four pounds each. And now? The little boy is an unbelievable 25 pounds, while his sister is a more delicate 18 or so, both full of life. Yes, anniversaries can be a funny thing, a give and take. It's all okay.

To l-empress: Here, here! I'm reminded of a book I read long ago, by Philip Roth, in the very early seventies, called "Our Gang." A vicious satire about Richard Nixon campaigning for re-election by trying to capitalize on the rights of the "yet unborn" so that he could give them the right to vote and they would all vote for him, it now seems to be turning into an impossible and unreal almost truth. Those Bush boys, they scare me.

To sunnflower: I've come to believe that if you go to an emergency room, you'd better be unconscious or carrying a limb in a bag, because otherwise you'll be there forever before someone sees you. The only time I ever saw a fast response in an ER was after my father's heart attack years ago. Just about ten years ago, my nephew, then 15, went into diabetic hypoglycemia and lost consciousness, my sister gave him the emergency shot at home and we all went to the hospital. Nobody looked at him for almost an hour because, hey, he was conscious by the time he got there, so what's the hurry? So you didn't finish the story: how's your asthma?

I'm watching something they rented

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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