the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Drug Alert Bulletin 259


5:49 pm

I wrote something for Pieces of You yesterday rather than bore everyone with my prednisone rantings for yet another day; to tell the truth, it was very nice to write about something other than little me. But there was a point in the afternoon yesterday that I began to develop an appreciation for what it must have been like for my mother when the bipolar pendulum swept up and she just kept doing, doing, doing things. I've been making lists and crossing off the completed tasks like it's my job. And since my actual job's been pretty stupid lately, this manic-like thing is somehow much more rewarding.

Thank god I only have two days left on this medication.

In other news, I won the Dork of the Year award yesterday when I bought not one, but two, copies of Clay Aiken's new CD. Twice.

Yes, I like Clay, he's a nice boy with a pleasant voice. And K is quite fond of him. Then of course I don't sleep at night anymore, so I caught the end of him singing on Jay Leno ... uh ... Monday night. And here was the new CD coming out and all. So after school on Tuesday, during Stage One of the Endless List of Errands, I dashed into Eckerd's to get some more picture frames for the piano (which I desperately needed), and a replacement VCR remote, and I grabbed two CDs off the counter display and handed over a credit card. It came to $58.88. "How much were those CDs?" I asked, a little late. They were $17.99 each. So what am I, a moron? It was advertised for $9.99, like, everywhere else. But I had errands to do, places to go, so off I went.

More done. More picture frames. Couldn't find the new scratching post for the furry ones. Quit the gym which I haven't gone to for over a year. Called the phone company to change my cell phone plan. Picked up a couple of books on traveling to London, as well as one on the Jersey Devil a kid's been asking for at school. Home. Called for pizza. Went to pick up pizza, next door to the Eckerd's. Returned the CDs. Not a moron after all.

Home, ate pizza. Ah, I have a Circuit City coupon! Best to go pick up the CDs today, NOW, before ... they get cold? They run out? Really, is there any reason I had to have them TODAY?

There is, there is. I can't sit still. If there was light left in the day and gas in the car, then why not today?

Veni. Vidi. Emi.

I mailed K's off to her after school today. I am now seriously the best customer of the U.S. Postal Service.

Two more days.

I'm watching Dr. Phil

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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