the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Cold, With a Chance of Brain Clouds 265


7:22 pm

Yes, it's cold. I turned on the furnace humidifier, thinking maybe that's what's making my throat all dry and keeping me from sleeping, but since I haven't had the filter changed in a couple of years, we'll probably just get Legionnaire's disease anyway. Here's what happened the last time I had the humidifer serviced (for some reason, this is not a DIY thing): the goober whose father owns the furnace/air conditioner company that installed the thing, and who is himself a personal moron, took the thing apart and put it back together and turned the water supply back on and left. The next evening we discovered that the only thing he had forgotten to do was tuck that little hose that channels the waste water back into the little tube that leads to the sink (and, presumably, the ocean) so the basement was flooded. I don't call the goober anymore, just the gas company, since they'll send someone, but of course I never remember to call.

In other news, the Gay-Straight Alliance Coffee House last night was a great success, although all three of us advisors almost freaked the hell out when the our principal, AKA The Psycho, dropped in for a visit at the very same moment that my male co-advisor's same-gender partner walked in. So we others were like "Oh yeah hi" and then walked away and apologized a lot later, since the Psycho is nothing if not ... well, psycho, and so she might have hugged the guy herself or else we might all be going up before the Supreme Court on a discrimination case any day now. We never know.

But the Coffee House was excellent, even though we had to change locations at virtually the last minute (gymnastics mats down in the gym, can't move 'em!) so we had it right in my library. Nice and cozy. Good music, a couple of kids did a rap, two others did some original doo-wop, and one little girl actually wrote a poem on a napkin while she was watching the first few acts and then got up and read it. Very cool, a plea for racial tolerance, which sounds corny, but it wasn't. This was a black girl (I am so un-P.C.) who basically said "we're not all alike and please don't treat me that way, thanks" and I thought she was very brave and good. And L (AKA the kid who almost died last spring) did the emceeing and she was a hoot.

Okay, breathe. Okay.

Actually, my breathing sucks, between the Sinus Infection That Will Not Die and the not sleeping and the toothache is back so who knows what that was anyway and it's all just irritating my asthma. I really need to see if I can book my stay at the Mayo Clinic online. I wonder if I can get points on my credit card.

Oh! For l-empress: my grandmother was from Riga.

And also for l-empress, and someone else, I think: one of the things that K and I love to obsess over is who will play whom in future Harry Potter movies. Really, this kid avoided Potter like the plague until late last spring when someone forced her to watch the first movie, and now she's read all the books a couple of times, seen the movies ad infinitum, and is generally my best Harry Potter bud. So here's what we think:
  • Mad Eye Moody: Geoffrey Rush. We know he's Australian and not British, but isn't that close enough?
  • Madame Maxime: Eddie Izzard. If you don't know Eddie Izzard, well ... you should. His show -- Dress to Kill -- is on HBO all the time, and can probably be rented. He's a pisser.
Speaking of, I just came across:

Have you ever impersonated Sean Connery? You might
want to try it; it seems to be in your nature.
Just try not to offend too many people.

Which Eddie Izzard Joke Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, gee. I never thought the brain cloud would lift long enough for me to write an actual entry. Imagine my surprise.

I'm watching Friends

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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