the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

In Today's News 274


7:21 pm

I went back to see Harry Katz, Sinus Man, today, which was a very good thing, since my appointment was actually supposed to be Thursday at 8:45, but his assistant called me at school today about 1:30 and asked if I could come then since he was called away for Thursday. Hmm, let me think: leave school an hour early, or get up at the crack of dawn on a day off. Not much choice there! So I went, my sinuses are currently uninfected, which is nice, but the best thing is that he thinks the combination of antihistamines/decongestants I've been taking might be -- get this -- affecting my sleep. He said, "What do you do, lay awake all night staring at the ceiling?" Uh, yeah! That's it. So I'm starting something different as of this minute, and maybe I will begin to sleep again after all. One can only hope.

The new bed for the girls' room came before, and, wow! Are all beds high like that now? This is actually the first regular kind of bed I've bought since ... since ... well, 1977, when we got married. The girls both slept on twin mattresses on platform bases all their lives, and our bed now is one of those sleep-number beds you can inflate or deflate, depending on what you want. (Which means I adjust mine constantly, fine-tuning it to perfection, and the Hubs has never adjusted his side once, even to compensate for settling over time. So it's like he sleeps on the floor.) Anyway, this bed is so nice! And just the most basic Serta, on sale, yet. When K comes home for Thanksgiving, she won't want to go back.

After a weekend of not eating and hardly moving, Q the Cat seems somewhat more herself today, following me around since I got home and hounding me for food. The cat is ten years old, and I have no idea what's up with her. Whatever it is, I think it's not good. But she's not in any pain and doesn't seem uncomfortable or unhappy; even when she's lying in the same place on the floor all day, she still looks alert. She was on antiobiotics all summer long, but I doubt it did anything for her. The next step, should she start to lose ground, is a new vet; or rather, the animal hospital where they have many fine vets and all kinds of specialists. The group we go to now hasn't been the same since the two super cat vets (picture it now: super cat vets. hehe.) retired, so I don't feel so disloyal going somewhere else.

Unlike the dentist. Yes. I still have the toothache that started the whole sinus investigation, and since my dentist whom I love says there's nothing wrong with my tooth, I'm going somewhat reluctantly to my sister's dentist on Thursday for a second opinion. This feels like I'm cheating on my husband. The dentist I've been going to for 25 years is my age, his kids are the same ages as mine, my kids have always gone to him, he's the greatest guy and really, an excellent dentist, or always has been. I feel like dirt. Dirt with a toothache.

Have I mentioned that I have two days off this week, Thursday and Friday? Ah, the delights of organized labor in America!

I'm watching Friends

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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