the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Hey, Hey, Hey 348


7:54 pm

It's an unusual day.

I have gone up and down and up and down a whole bunch of times today. At least I know why, and that's it's not some weird emotional reaction to nothing. I've had a share of experiences.

Let's start with the good, the unexpected email. I've mentioned before that I have these odd ESPy things that go on, where I hear a word and read it at the same time, stuff like that. It happened to me like twelve times yesterday, and I was just here at home, at the computer with the TV on. This morning's email blew me away. It came from one of my all-time favorite students, someone who graduated in 1987, and with whom I have had no contact since. I was thinking of him the other day, wishing I had kept a story that he wrote in high school for the literary magazine. (I was the magazine's advisor back then.) I do think of him from time to time, not often, mostly whenever I hear the song "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go", since that was in another story of his. Anyway, it was basically a thank you email. Holy freaking cow. Let me just say that in the life of a teacher there is not a whole lot of positive feedback like this. It was amazing. And what does he do for a living, you ask? He's an English professor. Nothing better than that in my book.

And then we -- the GSA advisors -- held the Homophobic Hate Speech workshop for the staff today and it went really really well. The point seemed to get across -- that regardless of personal, religious or political belief, it's our obligation to make every kid feel safe in school -- and my wonderful L, the kid who lived through a dread disease last spring, spoke and was just amazing. I was so incredibly proud of her. So that's two awesome student experiences in a day, let alone in one school year, or even decade. So now I've reached my career limit on this, but that's okay.

The downs? Well, the Psycho saw fit to put a little damper on the L experience, but what else could I have expected. Then I got a date for my eyelid surgery and it's in two weeks, but I'm not doing that. I'm not ready for that yet; it's hardly an emergency. So I need to call them tomorrow and reschedule that.

And here's the kicker, and not in a good way. I talked to the vet just about an hour ago. My BooBoo is not a well boy, it seems. I heard words like "renal failure" and even "terminal." But he's not in pain, for now, so we keep going. At the moment, he's standing on the desk beside me, licking the plate that just held a hamburger. We're going to let the vet start him on antibiotics tomorrow, blizzard permitting; it might keep him from feeling discomfort a bit longer. But it just seems mean to start him on a kind of kitty-dialysis.

I can hear him purring. I can't believe that R is never going to see him again; she won't be coming home from Wales again until September. Will he still be with us when K comes home for a weekend in February? I don't know.

I'm watching Raymond

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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