the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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May You Live in Interesting Times 377


7:14 pm

This is supposedly an ancient Chinese curse, but probably not. It should be, and we're living in them.

After I wrote last night's entry, (which, by the way, thank you all for your support), I made the mistake of reading the newspaper and watching a bit of Larry King between Idol and Scrubs. As a result, I'm still pretty pissed off, made notes, talked to people today, and feel the need to make this the second part of a two-part entry. Tomorrow I'll be getting back to other things, such as my life.

First: USA Today yesterday featured a huge article, starting on the front page of the Life section, about how people in one particular place in America -- Johnson County, Kansas -- feel about the gay marriage issue. Now right off the bat, I'm annoyed. We're talking about civil rights here, not public opinion. Okay, I covered that yesterday. But this article had very many of those clever little USA Today pie-charts showing how all different demographic groups feel about one aspect or another of this issue. Among them, for example, how many of those in the 18-40 age group believe that "gay sexual relations" should be legal.

So now we're asking people who have nothing whatsover to do with these for their personal opinions on other people's private sex lives??!! COME ON! This is just inappropriate, folks. If it's not your business, stay the hell out of it.

Next, the article featured a family in this Johnson County, Kansas, who are very conservative, religious, etc., and hey, they've got a right to be whatever they want. But one of the things they "want" is for their children not to be exposed to homosexuality -- at all -- because it might "desensitize" them into thinking that it's okay.

This is what I want: that my children and grandchildren never be exposed to narrow-minded assholes who don't understand the concept of transmitting their own values to their own children and keeping their hands off mine, or anyone else's. Children got to live in the world. If these folk weren't prepared for that, or willing to prepare their children to live in the world, maybe they should have thought more before having them.

I'm sick of people who think that homosexualilty is a choice. Damn. Who the hell would choose to live this way, to be reviled, humiliated, discriminated against, beaten, killed? Great decision-making skills there.

There already are kids in gay families. Banning marriage isn't going to stop it. Let's give the children the rights they're entitled to, too.

As for Larry King, well, I only watched part of it, but that pastor, whoever he was, who didn't get that his religious beliefs were fine for him but everyone else doesn't have to live by them -- well, jeez. The pope isn't trying to get everyone to live by his beliefs, just Catholics. That's his job. I never saw Billy Graham trying to force conversions on anyone, just leading his own flock. And that woman from Colorado who kept asking the mayor of San Francisco if he was in favor of polygamy too -- really, put a bag over her. Did he say anything about polygamy? How is that an issue? Is anyone talking about polygamy here, or incest? Are these people listening at all?

Almost done.

This morning, another staff member asked my GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) co-advisor if we were planning on becoming more politcally active, as a group. (We get amazingly great support from our staff. This was a guy who wants to march with us, or whatever, if we do.) But the best answer is that we have to follow the kids' lead; it's their club. But then we were talking, and we're thinking that maybe in a few weeks, after I get back from my trip, we might sponsor a school-wide open forum debate-like thing on the gay marriage issue. Could be interesting, no?

Done now. Thanks again for listening.

I'm watching Friends

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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