the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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A Walk in the Park 421


4:54 pm

Years ago -- maybe eight? -- my sister and I took a walk together every day, or almost every day. We went to a nearby county park that we liked and walked along the so-called "bike path"; in reality, there were fewer bikers than there were walkers, runners, skaters, and even dogs. It was a soul-replenishing thing that we did together and loved. Along the way somewhere, we fell out of the routine. It may have been Shirl's illness that sucked out our time and energy. We never walked in the true winter, but we did in the autumn and spring. Lately, I've had to acknowledge that my lifelong attitude towards exercise, which was "Feh! It's not good for you" is just stupid, and what I needed to do was start walking again, since I'm incapable of doing anything else.

I did join a gym a couple of years ago, I think shortly before I started keeping the diary. I was going great for a whole summer and then school started and I couldn't work out the time. Even now, I know I could join the gym and walk ont the treadmill, but it's too much trouble.

What I needed was someone to walk with, but that isn't happening. Chum is walking with her husband, as is the Sibs, when her ankle isn't bothering her. That's not for me. Why is a whole long story, I guess, but it's not.

Which is all a very long introduction to the fact that today I got up off my behind and away from the computer and went out to the park and walked for about an hour. I didn't power walk, whatever the hell that really is; I sort of meandered. I went equipped, with a water bottle that I never touched -- I never do -- a bunch of tissues since exercise always makes my nose all stuffy, an audiobook to listen to, and best of all, my camera in hand. I went by myself, so I avoided the more secluded parts of the path, which would have made me very paranoid. I didn't go early in the morning, when I always think I should try walking; I went in the afternoon, when there were plenty of people there so I didn't feel alone. It was really, really nice. And really nice getting back to taking pictures after a long, bleak winter break. So I submit for your amusement:

I'm watching Ellen

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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