the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

But I'm Much Better Now 438


8:48 pm

I had a close encounter of the evil kind at the dreaded monthly meeting today with She Who Must Not be Named. My friend the math supervisor was sitting next to me; he probably thought the top of my head was going to pop off, like an overheated thermometer.

Really .. seriously: how does someone like that sleep at night? She essentially told me that it was okay with her if I did this nasty task (I keep track of the kids who lose textbooks in the school, but it's more complicated that that) until it killed me. At one point I left the room, went to the nurse's office and had my blood pressure taken -- it was 150 over 98 -- and came back; when the meeting was over I told The Psycho what my b.p. was and said it wasn't worth my health. She was neither sympathetic nor human. I may in fact have to get a note from the doctor that says I can't do this anymore. If nothing else, I'm going to try to talk to my union (excuse me, association) rep in the morning. I don't think she can make me do this; it's not my real job and it's not in my contract. I've been doing it for nearly 20 years. It's someone else's turn, I think.

Hope for rain tomorrow, even though K's car is still in the shop and I'll probably be walking to work, as I did today. We're having the worst of all possible assemblies tomorrow: an evacuation drill to the football field, where there will be a "car wreck" on the field, complete with "bodies" (usually kids from the drama club) made up to look injured so that all the kids can see the horrors of drunk driving. They do this every few years; I've seen it before and I don't need to see it again. I think it's in real poor taste, considering one of our seniors was killed in a terrible accident in the fall (no drinking or drugs involved, though, just a kid driving ridiculously too fast). So I anticipate several justifiably hysterical kids in the audience. No one tells them ahead of time what they're going to see; that would spoil the surprise.

And K's car, as I mentioned, is being fixed. I heard the mechanic use the words "torque" and "solenoid" and "transmission." Now, I know what the transmission is, and I think solenoid is a funny word, so that's okay. The word torque, for some reason, intimidates me, always has. I think because there is no level on which I can wrap my mind around what it is. Years ago, I was chaperoning a group of our kids at a high school quiz show, and the host asked a question that was completely unintelligible to me -- I think he said it had something to do with physics -- and one of our kids buzzed in and answered "Torque?" and he was right and I always found that strange, somehow. I hadn't even understood most of the words in the question, let alone the word that was the answer. Anyway, we'll be able to pick up the car in the one hour narrow little window tomorrow between my getting out of work and the plumber coming to clean out whatever it is that keeps backing up the utility sink in the basement. Actually I know what it is, I just don't want to say it or even think about it. Suffice it to say that the sewer line to the street seems to be backing up into the basement sink. Okay, you got it.

And the lovely aroma of cat vomit in the air.

But really, I am much better now, although the day so incredibly sucked. K and I went out for dinner at Applebee's and I ate real restaurant food that still fits into my daily points tally. And I got all relaxed while we were out. And the Hubs is still in DisneyWorld, teeheehee. And my mother-in-law hasn't called today. (Honestly, I never signed up for a daily phone call from her. She's been checking in on K's wisdom teeth removal/survival and her son's safe arrival in sunny Fla.)

And ... and ...

I'm done now. 'Night.

I'm watching Idol special

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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