the purple chai
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a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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How I Spend My Summer Vacation 467


12:26 pm

On Wedensday, my first day of freedom, I slept late (almost until 6:30!) and went on a neighborhood walk, which I didn't enjoy all that much, since the route included a busy road and there was a lot of traffic noise drowning out Bill Clinton reading his book into my earphone, but it was a good distance, about 2 and a half miles. When I got home, I straightened up some in the living room and kitchen, and then went out to pick up catfood and a cup of coffee.

Exciting, yes?

In the last couple of weeks, I've been drinking coffee again, without consequences. Ahhhhhh. The only problem is, I seem to have become incapable of actually making coffee anymore. Not that I was ever great at it; my parents were not folk who got up in the morning and brewed a pot of coffee, and they didn't even own a percolator. (One of the great memories of childhood for me is visiting my aunt and uncle in Massachusetts and waking up to the smell of coffee in the house.) Before Mr. Coffee, when they wanted a cup, well, that's what instant is for.

For a long time, I would make one cup for myself each morning using a single-cup cone filter thingy. When Hubs changed jobs last year and didn't leave for work at five a.m., we started brewing a pot for the two of us. But then last fall I changed to decaf, so he got to drink the whole pot. I made an espresso-like something in a french press pot so I could make my fakey decaf latte thing, but then I started where I couldn't drink coffee at all. And I completely forgot how to make it.

Which is all to say that today, on Day 2 of summer vacation, I went out and got a "pod" coffeemaker, and I just had my first cup. Radical concept, man. It doesn't make a pot of coffee, it brews one cup at a time. So I can make a cup of decaf, Hubs can make a cup of roof-tar strong brew, and K can even swing by and brew a cup of tea. The machine heats the water, you put in a pre-measured "pod" of coffee or tea, and press the button, and it brews right into your cup. So far, one cup, not bad. I hope the Hubs likes it, because my kitcken is literally not big enough for two coffee pots.

This is pretty much the extent of the kitchen in the Mouse House, or at least of the counterspace. That's Boo's food on the left, just to the right of the microwave (where it's too high for Q to reach it), and the only clear space is the foot-and-a-half wide stretch to the right of the sink. This is the ONLY workspace in my kitchen, so there's no taking it up with a coffee maker. At the moment, it's sitting on the table (sort of behind me in the picture), but occasionally I'll probably want to eat at the table, too. This delightful tiny kitchen, btw, has three doors in it, can you imagine, three doors? Because that was good planning.

My big chore remaining for the day is to take the cats to the vet to get their claws clipped. Q is banned from all groomers in north Jersey (I picture something hanging in their backrooms like the poster for Harry Potter "Have You Seen This Wizard?" but instead it's Q), and she sure won't let me clip her claws, so she's gotta go to a pro, and I might as well take two as long as I'm going. That's the plan. And making more home video DVDs.

In other news, I went to the Gap while I was out before and picked up a new pair of jeans. **Drumroll .... drumroll ...** Yes, I bought one size smaller than the smallest size I've ever worn as an adult. Go me!

I'm watching Cheers

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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