the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

So What Did I Do Last Night? 472


4:23 pm

After giving it some thought, I

... ate two Wite Castle cheeseburgers.

... did my new exercise workout routine.

... read The Notebook. Oy vey, what a weeper.

My checkup this morning was good; I'm on reduced dose of the bp med, and the doctor said it would be okay if I wanted to take glucosamine & chondroitin (i.e., it won't interact with my other stuff and blow me up), so I'm giving that a go. The walking I'm doing (attempting to do, anyway) is not making my knees very happy.

In other news, I have lately picked up watching Roseanne as my new old sitcom of choice. It's not so much my choice as it is K's, but I find myself turning it on even when she's not here or still sleeping. I did watch it when it was on, for the first several years anyway. I've never seen more than a few minutes here and there of the last season. Not until now. This morning I happened to see two episodes in a story arc in which Dan tells Roseanne he's found someone else.

Hell, what a train wreck that woman is, or was. Thankfully we're not hearing that much from her these days. To create characters like that and then just betray them and the people who'd watched her show for years because of them was just wrong. It looked like once she was done with the men in her life, she had to make the point that all men, even ones that seem to be okay and really good, are scum too. It was really quite disturbing to watch. Dan remained the closest to a real character left on that show, up to that point. I read her autobiography once, I think, and I just came away feeling that yes, she's had to deal with a lot of crap in her life, but a lot of it seems to be either of her own making, or just amplified by the way she reacted to it all. She was just so publicly irresponsible, and yet responsible for so much. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I got so sick of people bring her up to me over the years and comparing me to her -- really, do the surface details mean that much? -- that I lost all patience with it. It was like all the people who would meet me in the late 70s or 80s and then say in that whiny voice "Ohh! Roseanne Roseannadanna!" like it was new, and no other idiots had ever said that to me before. Because I was just like her, too.

Where was I?

I'm watching Ellen

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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