the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Yet Another Dead Horse 563


7:07 pm

About the boy dolls: I think that my preference for boy dolls -- I even had a Ken before I got a Barbie -- came from my strong desire to have a baby brother. I don't know how old I was before I finally got my mother's message that this was not happening. But I think the baby brother thing came about because it seemed to me that everyone I knew, and every TV family, had at least one son in it, and I felt sad for my father because he didn't have a son. (I also knew at some point that my parent's first baby, who was stillborn, was a boy.) This also led me in the path of tomboyhood, I think, because it seemed to me that someone was supposed to -- had to -- fill that role in a family.

Now my mother made it very clear that she was completely satisfied with the two daughters she had, and said later that as hard as it had been when she lost the first baby, she came to see that if that hadn't happened, she wouldn't have had the two of us, and since we were the right children for her, it was all okay. My father did not discuss this, but I asked him once, after I was grown, if he had ever been disappointed not to have a son. He answered a swift and resounding no, he was not. The war had left him with a very strong desire not to raise sons who would themselves one day have to go to war, and having two daughters was just fine with him, too.

So, boy dolls. I also liked to be just a little bit different, I think. After the Ken doll, I got a Midge (Barbie's best friend, doncha know), and only got a Barbie after that. I didn't want a Barbie; everybody had one of those. And everybody had the one with the blonde ponytail, too, so naturally, I had to have the redhead with the bubble-cut.

I had girl dolls, too, especially the "Ginny" dolls that my sister loved and adored, so I had one on those when I was little. I preferred playing "house" games with the baby dolls to the ... whatever it was we played with Barbies. I was a big fan of troll dolls, too, and my main trolls were Ebenezer and Hannibal Rufus (yes, both boys, and another red-head to go with Matty Mattel and Barbie. I like the red-heads.)

I now return you to my originally scheduled life.

R has been through two interviews and will likely get the job, but hasn't heard yet. They said things to her at the interviews along the lines of "when you're working the register" and such, so it looks good.

Tomorrow night is nasty nasty Back to School night, so I may or may not be posting an entry. I would so love to just sit at my desk in the library and read diaries and write -- since virtually no one ever comes into the library on BTS Night -- but I never ever do that because I'm pretty sure that the folks over at Computer Central -- the district technology office -- can pick up anybody's password to anything, and also can or do keep logs of everybody's computer activity. I may be paranoid, but they're nuts. Just seems like a bad plan to me. And it's already bad enough that I've got sit there, bored, with only the SCM to talk to.

I got email from K in which she said she hasn't received her absentee ballot yet. I don't have the heart to tell her that they'll probably only count it anyway if the election is close. (Maybe they count them all ultimately, but I wouldn't be so sure.) This is her first election; it's too bad she won't be here to vote at the polls in person. The Hubs says he thinks it's going to be a repeat of 2000: that Kerry will win the popular vote but Bush will win the election. Could be. I really won't be surprised if we don't have the results right away; it almost makes more sense that way, doesn't it, to make sure it's accurate? I hope there's no concession speech from Kerry, even if it looks that way. Oh wait, it wouldn't make a difference. Didn't Bush concede last time?

Anyway, I'm watching the debate tonight, even though there's a huge rally one town over to protest the state's cuts to the education budget, and tons of my colleagues are going, or so they said. In case you're wondering, not only did Bush fail to fund No Child Left Behind, New Jersey (and maybe other states as well) made further deep cuts due to the change in the economy. So the schools are pretty well screwed coming and going.

I made dinner tonight, but R did the dishes. *deeeep sigh* Apparently, I have lived long enough.

I'm watching The Simpsons

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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