the purple chai
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a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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There's Got to be a Morning After 580


5:02 pm

And if I remember correctly, that song meant that the ship had just sunk.

Yes, I am saddened by the results of the election, but I am not surprised. I am more saddened because I now realize, with little room for doubt, that I am a member of very large minority in a country which concerns itself only with what the majority wants. I can accept that the majority of the people have voted for a particular president; that happens, and if I believed that the system of checks and balances were still working, I wouldn't be as concerned. I am horrified that there are states in this country that believe that if a majority of their citizens take a particular "moral" stand which doesn't even affect them in any way, then that so-called morality can be legislated, to the detriment of other citizens to whom it does apply. I've said it before: wouldn't the southern states in 1850 all have voted to pass a law that said African Americans were not human beings? (Those laws existed, of course, they just weren't enacted based on referendum.) Does the fact that a majority of people believe it make it correct? Of course not. Even now, it might be possible to get a majority of people somewhere in this country to "decide" that all Arab Americans should be locked up. It's wrong; a majority vote doesn't make it right. The majority votes in this country are legislating what they believe to be morality based on their religious views. And that makes me sadder than everything.

The Hubs pointed out last night that the Supreme Court judges that Bush will appoint will likely be the Supreme Court judges for the rest of our lives, his and mine. And that saddened me, because if all evidence is correct, they will be judges who will support the kind of view that led 11 states to establish laws that ban gay marriage.

But it is the morning after, and now, at least, we know it can only be four more years, unless he stages an actual coup and rewrites the Constitution. What I'd like to see now is Kerry take the position of minority leader in the Senate and make it a real, vital position: the leader of the loyal opposition. Now we'll know if he has leadership ability or not.

I just heard on TV that John Edwards' wife was diagnosed with breast cancer today. I wish her well; she deserves only good things after all she's been through, I think.

My daughters have decided not to move to Canada after all. This must be how my parents felt after Nixon was re-elected in 1972, eh?

I'm watching Gilmore Girls

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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