the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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So Here's the Plan: 586


7:19 pm

I'm thinking I might take off work on December 1 and go get my new tattoo. R says that if she's not working that day, she'll come with me and maybe get a new one herself. (That's two for me, three for her. K is still the loser, with only one. I can't believe my daughters and I all have tattoos; the times they have a'changed.) Thank you to the L-Empress' UD, for all your excellent advice. I'm here at [email protected].

I had that meeting with Crazy Girl this morning, and if I say so myself, I behaved like a lady the whole time, a professional lady. No wait, that didn't come out right. I told her that I don't nurse grudges or have the energy to, and that I have no need for bad karma, so let's just start over again, okay, sweetie? Somehow, she bought this. Bitch. But her supervisor was indeed a sweetie, and in general it went very well and is now over.

Here's a rhetorical question: If I've stopped smoking, and I've lost twenty pounds, how come I can't make myself exercise? Here's the rhetorical answer: Oh crap, I guess I can. P.I.A. I was walking pretty regularly last spring when I was losing the weight, so I guess I can. If I get to work by seven, I can walk laps, so to speak, in the corridors for about twenty minutes. Four laps is a little over a mile, I think; I've clocked it on a pedometer before. I'll listen to an audiobook or something. Are you convinced? Am I? Time will tell. (But not school time, of course, because all the school clocks are five minutes slow. Don't get me started on that one.)

I did get the definitive answer today on when the library's heat/air conditioning monoliths will be repaired. The answer is: never. They are beyond repair. They defy repair. They cannot be repaired. They are doomed. We are doomed. There was a freshman class in this afternoon working on something, and about a minute after they sat down, I heard a boy's voice from the throng, loud: "It's hot in here!" I was sitting at my desk and didn't even look up, but I said, as loudly, "We know!" The radiators work just fine, thank you -- they were installed in 1943, you know -- but the vent system that's supposed to mix the air so that it circulates and maintains the thermostat temperature -- 72 -- and which was mandated by the state and that was installed about ten years ago are gar-bahj, pure gar-bahj. It was over 85 in there this afternoon. The fans are dead dead dead and the vents are stuck open, which means it's freezing at the floor level, and the constuction dust and diesel fumes from right outside my window have their own little superhighway for finding their way in, since we can't close them out. Heavens, I am a kvetch, aren't I?

That's all the news for today, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

I'm watching The Simpsons

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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