the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Stupid Kid Day 595


4:25 pm

I'm not saying we should declare it a national holiday or anything. I'm just saying that I've had one today.

The SCM -- who's on a rampage lately, but that's a story for Stupid Colleague Day -- came across a boy sitting at a computer, right out in the open in the library, on the phone. Yes, on his cell phone. The SCM approached him and the boy immediately snapped it shut and put it away, declaring "You're not taking this away from me!" "You can't use your phone in school" said the SCM. "I can if I want!" said the kid. "It was important!" Ah, trip number one of the day to Office Land.

My turn. We have two lunch periods here, each one concurrent with a class period. During either 5th or 6th period, half the school is in class, half is at lunch. We have an open lunch, by the way, 45 minutes long, they can go virtually anywhere they can reach and get back in time, including about 12 fast food places and all of their homes. I digress.

Three sweet little polite boys walk up to my desk during 6th period and ask if they need to sign in. "Is it your lunch or are you here from a class?" I ask. A class, they tell me. **Deep sigh**. No, their teacher didn't write them a pass to get here because their teacher is absent, but the substitute said they could come. Well. They need to come with written passes, but substitutes aren't allowed to write passes, or send them anywhere, so I guess that explains that. Anyway, so they sign in to the library right here at my desk, I take their slips from them, and the three of them turned around, walked right across the room and out the door. Out. As in, out, gone, not here. I am too far from the door to get up and stop them, so there they went. I had to call the office to sound the general alarm for them and then fill out discipline referrals. Crap, I never have to fill out discipline referrals, people who saw me doing it in the office were laughing at me. They couldn't believe anybody bothered to misbehave for me.

I returned from Office Land to find the scheduled class in the library, 29 bozo freshmen who have no research to do, but the computer lab is already full, so here they are. We have 15 computers. Chairs are moving all over the freaking place. I asked a girl by the door, who was trying to squeeze a chair between two desks where there just wasn't enough room -- so not a geometry wiz either, here -- not to move the chair. She said "But I'm only putting it here!" gesturing to another spot where there was less room. I turned away from her and said to the SCM who was right behind me "I can't talk to children any more right now."

Yes. You were only on the phone. You were only cutting class. You were only causing a fire hazard. When we said "Please don't do that" you know what we meant? We meant "DON'T DO THAT!"

I just went over to help one routuinely nasty kid over at the computer -- it's about 85 degrees in here now, and they're crammed in over there like sardines since they freaking all moved their chairs, and I'm reminded suddenly that 9th grade boys are not famous for their hygiene, if you get my drift -- I got theirs -- and I noticed that there are two girls sitting on the floor, in the aisle just behind their project partners' chairs. I pointed out to them that if we have a fire, they'll be the first to go. One of them scrunched up so that she was more like under the computer table than in the aisle, but the other one just looked at me as if I was the world's biggest moron who couldn't have said something more pointless to her. So I clarified: "If there's a fire, everyone here is going to run out right over the top of your head." She still looked blank. "They're going to step on you." She shrugged. Okay, fine.

Stupid kid days are not the norm for me. Earlier this morning, one of our library regulars told us that he got into the college of his choice today, in the library, in fact, since he checked online when he got here. That's better.

I just looked up from my keyboard and saw that the teacher who's on library duty this period -- another bizarre story, we didn't ask for anyone this period and we haven't got anything for him to do -- is sleeping. Aw, who am I to talk, I'm typing my diary entry while I'm sitting here in the heat, drinking my warmed up Dunkin' Donuts coffee. It's a loony day in the library, folks.

I'm watching Ellen

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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