the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Meme Me 653


5:29 pm

A Thursday Three, which I got from chaosdaily.

1. chocolate cake with chocolate icing, or vanilla cake with chocolate icing?

I like chocolate, but I'm not a chocolate addict. In general, I will always prefer vanilla. So I'm going to cheat and say vanilla cake with vanilla icing.

2. balancing the checkbook: meticulous to the penny or close enough?

I have never understood how people could not balance their checkbooks to the penny. That's the way my father taught me to do it, and that's it. I use MS Money now, so it's kind of a no-brainer. I don't ever have to do any math. Which is always better for me.

3. favorite color for sheets?

The sheets on my bed are black. Solid black sheets and pillowcases, with a gray/black plaid comforter. Why, you ask? I think it's because I'm such a lousy sleeper, and black sheets somehow make the room feel darker to me. The Hubs thinks that any question about sheet color -- or any bedroom decor, for that matter -- is the height of absurdity. He says it's dark when he's in the bedroom, so why would he care what color anything is?

Last week's Friday Five:

1. Which is worse, the Burning Question ~OR~ the Painful Truth?

Painful truth, please.

2. "Live hard, die young and leave a beautiful corpse" ~OR~ "Live long and prosper"?

Live long and prosper, of course. The Hubs and I said this in our wedding vows, in fact.

3. Let bygones be bygones ~OR~ Bitch, I'll cut you!?

I would never cut anyone, so it would have to be the bygones thing.

4. Private hell ~OR~ Sharing is caring?

I'll take one of each, please.

5. Open hearted ~OR~ Walls around your heart?


Stolen from irisheyes70

Using Mapquest, how many miles is it from your house to your parents' house?
My parents, of course, are both gone within the last three years. But it's 1.28 miles to the house I grew up in, and 3.33 miles to where they lived for the last ten years before they died, after they sold the house I grew up in.

Google your first and last name, in quotes. How many results were found?
It says that there are "about 20" hits. 15 or so are from the school website, which I manage, and the others are posts I left on a couple of message boards years ago. One of them is from 1996, about the brain tumor.

What room in your house is too small?
All of them.

What room is too large?
None of them.

Name of your third grade teacher:
Ohhh ... Her name was Carolyn Parris. I adored her. Third grade was when I decided that I definitely wanted to be a teacher.

How much money did you make at your first job?
When I worked at the fabric store in high school, I believe I made $2.30 an hour. My first real job -- which is the same job I have now, heh heh heh -- I think my annual salary was about $12,000. (1977, by the way)

Favorite donut:
I'll have to go with the Bavarian Kreme.

Name(s) of your next door neighbor(s):
Okay, okay. On one side we have the Kang family, who never spoke to us at all, except Hubs to Hubs a couple of times, and they have a for sale sign up, so that ship has sailed. The Russian family on the other side is very friendly and warm but hard to understand, so I know their last name but not the parents' first names. The kids are Vladislav and Michelle.

Genre of music you can't stand:
There are some I enjoy less than others, but off hand, I can't think of a whole genre I can't stand. I am very unfond of Neil Young, however.

Last thing bid on on ebay:
A videotape I need for the class I'm taking, a classic French film of the Beauty and the Beast story called La Belle et le Bete. I didn't get it.

How much cash is in your wallet:
$87.00. I do not carry change with me (I dump it in a jar at night) and I always carry a substantial amount of cash with me because once when I was ... 23? ... my car got stuck on the Garden State Parkway and I managed to pull over to a pay phone and called home collect because I didn't even have one freaking dime on me and when my father got there the very first thing he said was "You were out on the highway with no money at all?" and since then I always make sure I have money on me when I go out.

I'm watching Gilmore Girls

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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