the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Yawn 691


7:08 pm

After a week of sleeping like a relatively normal person, last night I simply did not fall asleep. Oh, I napped from about 10:30 to 11:15, but then I wokek up and I never fell asleep again. Or ...

I believe part of my problem is something called Sleep State Misperception. I really am asleep, although I am also aware of my surroudings and feel that I am awake. As a result, I don't feel rested, even after I've slept. I left work after lunch today and came home to sleep, but it took an hour and a half just to fall asleep ... or did it? ... and even though I knew I was sleeping after that because I was dreaming, I also seemed to be awake. Once again, nature + freak = me.

We had a bout of unpleasant weather today, rain mixing immediately with wet heavy snow, followed by snow for only a couple of hours, and now bitter cold. Driving is nasty out there.

Ooh, I forgot, I did this meme yesterday, so here it is.

I stole this from Robyn, who didn't answer any of the sex questions, and since I wasn't going to answer them either, I left them out.

  1. The scar you're most proud of : Probably the craniotomy scar behind my right ear where they cut my head open, because it's like Harry's lightning bolt: proof that I survived. I also have odd scars in the center of each palm -- how weird is that -- from when I got my hands caught while I was trying to assemble something. But you can explain them any way you like.
  2. Your favourite condiment  : I like horseradish sauce and honey mustard, but I really like mayonaisse. I just can't spell it.
  3. If you have freckles : Not the cute kind like fair haired children have on their noses and cheeks. Just the old lady kind that pop up on arms and shoulders.
  4. Your preferred method of cooking : uh ... uh .... uh ...
  5. What shoes you're wearing : None at the moment.
  6. How many children you have : Just the two.
  7. The first person you french kissed : That would be my first high school boyfriend, Bob, but it was so icky that I made him not do it any more. The next guy I dated for a few months showed up again four years later so I married him. He does not labor under the same restriction.
  8. Your preferred breed of dog : I really just want a dog and I always have! For looks, a long-haired Jack Russell. For brains, a poodle. Temperament, maybe a pug. I'd like a nice poodle mix, probably with a cocker spaniel. They fit the bill.
  9. Where you were born : Bronx Lebanon Hospital, Bronx, New York City.
  10. What colour underwear you're wearing : white, I believe.
  11. Where your keys are right now : On my desk, eye level on the edge of the open roll-top. Never far, never lost.
  12. If you have split ends : My hair is too short for split ends. If I had them, they'd be split up to the scalp. I get my hair cut about every 6 weeks.
  13. Your opinion on airline food : It's just so strange, isn't it? The tiny cups and plates and stuff are so cunning, but the food is like a Lean Cuisine frozen meal, but not even a good one, and sometimes you can't even tell what it is.
  14. What cosmetic surgery you would consider : Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I would never, under any circumstances, have cosmetic surgery. (Don't forget to laugh and me and cite this specific page one day, okay?) There are, however, two procedures that have attracted my attention.
    1. they pull the skin at the top of your neck back towards your ears and tack it there or tape it or whatever so your neck doesn't look like Fat Bastard's did at the end of the third Austin Powers movie, or like someone should be chasing you around the barnyard with a hatchet on the day before Thanksgiving.
    2. Okay, this is a simple request. I remember where my boobs were when I was twenty, and I want them put back RIGHT THERE. Not higher, not lower. They were centered just fine, too. None of this falling into my armpits when I lay down, or taking five minutes to work 'em into place every morning but they still hang there closer to my hips than my shoulders. That just ain't right.
  15. Your worst malady : Ever? Brain tumor wins! Chronic maladies are my bad sinuses (thanks, dad) and my bad stomach (you too, mom.)
  16. If your mum loves your dad : My parents had an increasingly dysfunctional relationship as the years went by and they generally deteriorated health wise.  But there was never a doubt that they had married for love (or he would have run screaming into battle when he met his mother-in-law) and always did love each other.
  17. If you can sing well : If I'm alone.
  18. What your olympic event would be : We must be talking olympic cheese shredding, or something else non athletic. I am the olympic remember of who played what part in old movies and tv shows, and what all the character's names are.
  19. Someone you admire : In fact today I am very much admiring sasori-gal for the way she went after what she wanted and did it both like a lady (she was polite and pleasant) and like a man (she didn't back off.) This was an excellent thing.
  20. Which country would be hardest for you to locate on a map : any place in Africa that isn't on the edges, and probably some that are.
  21. The last time you cried : When I was watching Big Fish over the weekend.
  22. Part of the Sunday papers you read first : I read all the advertising flyers and then I read the magazine section. And then I'm done. If the Hubs points out an article about Bizarro World High School, I read that.
  23. The languages you speak : English, so I'm told, and I can understand smatterings of Spanish, French, and Yiddish. But not in that order. And Latin, of course, smatterings of Latin.
  24. The religion you were raised in : I was raised very specifically in an American Jewish household, where Yiddish was spoken and chanukah candles were lit. But there was no religion, faith, or beliefs to speak of. None of us went to synogogue, willingly or otherwise, unless a cousin was being bar mitzvahed, and then we went. Unwillingly. Although one of my grandfathers was Orthodox and believed it very strongly.
  25. If you can draw well : I can't even draw a bath. There is one thing, though, that I can draw, and I'll try to post it tomorrow.
  26. Your favourite photograph : Here are two:

Me with my sister, 1953


My daughters, 1955

I'm watching The Simpsons

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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