the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Happy Pi Day 695


7:22 pm

You'd think this was the freaking Mardi Gras, the way the math department carried on today.

Anyway, I was feeling much, much better today; still somewhat a captive of my sinuses, but much better otherwise. Which was very nice.

Here's my Dali moment of the day today. One of the assistant principals asks me to come to his office, where a kid has come to him with a computer issue. Without going into detail, the kid has reason to think that someone is messing with his school computer account. He thinks someone has maliciously changed the wallpaper on his desktop. So the administrator has me and the kid come around behind his desk so the kid can log in to his computer there and I can see what the wallpaper has been changed to.

It is a big -- really, really big -- penis. It's not a very good picture, clearly lifted off a porn site and not enough resolution to be wallpaper, but still. I knew what it was. And I'm thinking, hmm, I'm standing here in an adminstrator's office with a kid looking at this. (The kid, of course, had already seen it; that's why he brought it to the administrator's attention.)

This is not something I anticipate in the normal course of a school day. Nor was I prepared for this in library school. But I was a good sport, and didn't even look shocked or get the vapors or anything.

In other news, I did not take my walk today because THEY LIED TO ME and it wasn't anywhere near 40 degrees -- okay, maybe almost near, but not near enough -- and it was soooo cold after school. Too cold to be out gallivanting around. I went to the bank and to get cat food instead.

I was talking to the Sibs a bit ago, and she said something about a fortune she got in her Chinese food and I said I never read the fortunes although I love fortune cookies. Here's why. (She said I had never told her this before.)

Many years ago, I had a very clear and memorable dream in which I was being beaten up and then suddenly my two grandfathers, Sam and Louie, who were both long gone by then, appeared in the dream to give me courage and then I was okay. About a week after I had the dream, the Hubs and I, who were only engaged at the time, went out to dinner with my parents at their favorite restaurant, which was this Chinese-Hawaiian place nearby, the kind with the pu-pu platters. While we were pu-pu-ing, I was telling them all about my dream. Okay, dinner comes, we eat, yada yada, it's later, and dessert comes, with fortune cookies. I open mine, read the fortune, as does the Hubs. Jack did not do foolish things like read fortunes, so he just ate the cookie. (He probably ate all the cookies.) Shirl breaks her cookie open, looks at the fortune, and "reads", deadpan, "Greetings from Sam and Louie."

The Sibs broke up when I told her this; we definitely did not see our mother as especially funny in life, but I guess she really was, and we're only getting the jokes now. Ah, the mark of true genius, to be appreciated beyond one's lifetime.

I'm watching The Simpsons

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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