the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Sunday 721


3:56 pm


  1. Horrendous:: accident
  2. Home video:: K eats a cheerio (January, 1985)
  3. What a girl wants:: Colin Firth
  4. Grounded:: electricity. I never grounded my kids. Although they are very grounded people.
  5. Trusting:: Daddy
  6. Simplistic:: ooh, these are hard ones.
  7. Buzz:: words
  8. Balcony:: Romeo. Juliet. Both of them.
  9. Roar:: hear me!
  10. Hooker:: that Civil War guy.

Yesterday was the first day of allergy season. (R asked earlier "You mean it has an opening day, like baseball?" Yes.) I woke up with the sinus pain yesterday and it's still with me, and will be for another day or two, I think. My teeth hurt. I am cranky.

Today is the Big 21 for my Babiest Baby, which has got to make me think. I texted her at midnight -- I am so hip -- and called a little while ago. The Hubs and I only talked to her for a minute (she'll call back tonight) because she's at the zoo. This is how she wanted to spend her 21st birthday, going to the zoo with friends. She had been there a couple of months ago for some class project and noticed that they sell cups of beer at the zoo and wanted to go back today when she was legal to buy some. Yes, she is that cute. And mommy is very happy that she has nice friends, all of whom are already 21, who were willing to indulge her and go to the zoo on her birthday. Of course, it's a beautiful day today, and probably more so in D.C. If her birthday were in January, I doubt they'd be so willing.

I finally walked today, headache and all, just under two miles. It was excellent, except for the hot/cold thing going on the whole time, but whatever, that's just going to happen whenever and wherever I am, so. But I liked it very much, and I'm hoping I can walk tomorrow, too, maybe after school. But first there's a faculty meeting, which tend to be big scary explosions lately. No haircut tomorrow after all because My Friend the Hair Guy fit me in yesterday after my pedicure, which was Heaven.

Speaking of the pedicure, here was my pedicure revelation yesterday: the pedicure will be just as wonderful and indulgent even without polish at the end. I have no need of polished toes; all that does is delay getting my shoes and socks back on, and it's not like anybody ever sees my feet. So I got the massage and all that other good stuff and no polish. Who knew you could even do that?

I was inert yesterday after I got home, drained of all bodily resources as only opening day of allergy season can do. I read the last of the Pants books and then I watched The Incredibles. What can I say? I didn't dislike it, but I didn't love it. It was visually delightful, of course, and must have been a stunner in the theatres. I liked the characters, too. It just didn't grab me. But I was amused to notice that the red/black/yellow costumes of the Incredible family were Mickey Mouse colors. I wonder if that was intentional.

I was checking over the list of zero-points foods this morning, and everything on it is vegetables (no surprise there) except salsa. Now I'm not big on salsa, but I'm wondering exactly how this counts as a zero-points food. Do you lick it off your fingers? Stick your tongue in a bowl of it? Dip artichokes into it? I mean, salsa: does this not of necessity imply chips of some sort, with some inherent point value of their own? I'm just asking.

I'm not reading The Good Earth. I know it was a big hit in its day, and there were twelve copies on the library shelves when I moved in there 27 or so years ago, but it's just not grabbing me. It's so totally descriptive, which would not be a drawback if there were some character development in there as well. The descriptions are beautiful, and I'm assuming that the character development is coming down the road, but it'll have to come without me.

Okay, this is long enough. I'm going to go eat some salsa. I'll figure something out.

I'm watching King of the Hill

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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