the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Returning to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming 752


7:52 pm

I talked to my sister in Florida about an hour ago, and then to my aunt. My sister says that the old girl is in good spirits and not frightened and didn't panic while she was lost. My aunt herself told me that she must have stopped and gotten directions from at least ten helpful people during the missing hours, but that she thinks she was so preoccupied that she was unable to follow any of them. Her son had just been down to visit this past weekend to tell her about his cancer, and that was very much on her mind, as is to expected. In fact, my sister is down there precisely so that my aunt wouldn't be alone, having just gotten this news. Where is her other son? He's the one who said it would be okay for her to drive herself home, and the one who seems just as happy that my sister is down there carrying the ball for him. He is not a bad guy; this is a family that raised denial to a fine art form long ago, and he's just that good at it. And, as my sister says, he's an asshole. I don't know that he's one by nature, but he's certainly locked in an assholian behavior pattern these days.

Back to me, me, me! I am feeling a little better each day, but still not all better. But okay. I may call the GI doctor next week and see what he says. I know this is stupid, but I just can't see taking off more work time; I was out three and a half days last week and I already put in for a personal day after the wedding (so I can spend more time with the goofy relatives from Florida, among other things) and I'll be damned if I'm giving up more of my sick time to being sick.

From the Slow On the Uptake Department: Now that K is home for a month -- did I mention that? Probably not, she came in yesterday just before the aunt hit the fan -- we are faced with the four drivers/three cars dilemma. She had the dentist today, and had to go to DMV to renew her license, and has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so she needs a car. The only logical solution for today was for me to walk to work, and then she would come and pick me up at the end of the day and we would run errands. I thought, isn't that the way, I'm always the one who makes the sacrifice! So I'm off on my walk this morning, and it hit me: this is exactly what I want! Haven't I been moaning about never getting the chance to take a walk everyday? Duh! So there you go, a happy little walk to work every nice spring morning. It's just what I always wanted.

What I do not want is to remember that Niece's wedding is less than a month away. I won't list all my pre-wedding chores, and I'm not even the mother of the bride, just of two of the bridesmaids. I take comfort in knowing that my sister hasn't had her dress altered yet, either. But we were unable to get K shoes today, so we're off on a jaunt back to the dyable shoe store tomorrow afternoon, which is a trek.

They have begun the actual demolition work at school this week, which means that one side of the building is constantly shaking and deluged with dust and noise. The workers -- I've talked to some of them -- seem like awfully nice guys; they let me step out into the Verboten zone to take some pictures, but they seem to lack a certain understanding of where they're working. Yesterday they were blasting music while they were boarding up the first-floor windows, which would have been peachy-keen if it was July, but not so much when the kids in the classroom just above where they were working were taking an exam. Yes, boys, it's a school, remember?

R is working until 8 tonight, which means she won't be home till almost 8:30, and I have pledged not to watch the Lost until it's all taped and we can watch it together at 9. Am I a good mommy, or what? And I told K I would watch that Top Model show with her at 8, since I'm not watching Lost, so that seals it. Just enough time to post.

I'm watching Raymond

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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