the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Getting In My Own Way 781


6:23 pm

I've been spending a bunch of time on that other site, the one with the button down the page here, but which I won't mention by name any more without a bit of Google-proofing. I majorly screwed it up last night, and although I've gotten most of it back, I still have some left to go. All because I have decided to become a blog attention whore.

Yes, it's true, it's true! I want readers! I don't care who knows it! I'm perfectly happy with whatever four or five readers I have here (because I love you) but I'm looking for complete strangers to read about the imminent demise of my semi-beloved workplace. So I've been trying to figure out how to do that. That's trying, but not always succeeding. What I did do was get signed up with Feedburner, and in trying to get all their little feed buttons in there, I messed up all the image and other links in my template. Argh. Okay, got that mostly straightened out. I still can't figure out how anyone will even know I'm there. What, you have to do a search on "library without books"? (You'd be surprised at how many hits that gets, none of them mine.) I could do a search on ... the Latin name of the site ... but of course, you'd have to know it first, so why would you be searching for it? And anyway, you know what comes up when you do that?

the purple chai.

Oh, shit! Nasty shit! So someone I work with could know the name of the new site and google it and come here? Bad bad bad very very bad.

So I went back into old entries here and put all kinds of ~~~ and stuff into those Latin words. Safe! (Heh heh. Sure.)

Anyway, I would like to attract the attention of librarians everywhere, but I still don't get that. It'll come in time, I'm sure. Maybe by then I'll have the template fixed.

In other news, every single damn person who came into the library today said "Hey, I thought you had air conditioners in here!" Well, yes, we do have them. See? (They're beige, and roughly the size of the 2001 monolith. There are two, one on either side of the room. I'll take a picture.) They just don't work and never will. The company that made them went out of business years ago and there are no parts. (Can you say "lowest bidder"?) We expect to have a/c in the new library, that'll be for the spring of 2007.

K is packing for the move back to D.C. on Saturday. It'll be a round trip drive for me and the Hubs. I will miss her very much. I will not miss the juggling of the cars, and the mess of one more person in the house. It's the razor's edge.

Okay, I'm outta heah.

I'm watching Seinfeld

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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