the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

But I'm Feeling Much Better Now 851


9:01 pm

So after a bit of early stress -- but just between the two of them; I wasn't stressed at all -- we put K on the train just after noon and returned to our otherwise peaceful, if weird, way of life. Really, my girls love each other and I think are truly each other's best friend. They just can't share a room for more than a day or two.

R got very chatty on the way home, which was nice, because she wasn't so talkative before that. We found what looks like a terrific microwave (but I'm sure it's an illusion) and got it into the house and then went to the big Whole Foods and got all kinds of goodies. When we got home, though, she pretty much crashed and fell asleep, which was okay because I knew she had to go to work tonight, and so I ended up cleaning out the fridge and putting all the food away myself. Then I got really ambitious and switched the microwaves. I had just finished testing out the new one, i.e., it boiled water, when she got up. Turns out she had been up for a little while, but had been on the phone setting up a possible job interview for next week.

The appropriate Yiddish expression for this moment would be halevei! Which pretty much means, Oh God, let it be true!

Anyway, backtracking a bit, my day had started pretty well because I woke up just before six, which is what I'm working towards since my alarm starts going off at six two weeks from tomorrow, and I thought if I got up then -- no alarm -- I'd see if I could go through my morning routine and include some exercise, just to see if it would all fit in. It did. I did a twenty minute walk with the DVD, and then showered and got dressed and had breakfast (and read email and diaries, of course) and I could have gotten to work by 7:30, if I'd had to be at work. And even better, I got some genuine exercise. So I felt very good about doing that. Of course, then it was 7:30, and I had read my email and diaries, not to mention the newspaper, and finished my coffee, and then what? I waited for them to get up, listened to each of them confide to me how the other one was driving her crazy, and drove off to the train.

Tomorrow I'm taking the smelly cat for a bath. Poor old thing; it freaks him out to go, but he's very happy afterward because he's a hedonist and really loves being groomed. And going to buy some appropriate interview-wear for the kid. The last time I bought an interview suit, it was 1976. I'm guessing that cinnamon-colored pin-wale courduroy (jacket, fitted vest and mini-skirt) are no longer The Thing, but for all I know, it could be. With any luck, there's a website that tells the hopeful job-seeker what to wear.

Oh, gotta move quick! I just turned around and saw that the cat's off the couch! Isthmus be my lucky day.

I'm watching History Detectives

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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