the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Here I Am Again 853


5:58 pm

This is my second entry today; I did the music meme this morning and just finished and posted it. I've had a busy day.

I actually did not fall asleep last night until about 3 A.M., but the thing is, I've decided to make peace with my being up in the night, and so I was at least not at all aggravated about it. I slept until about 7:30, so mostly I'm just tired today, but not stressed or anything. The only bad part was that I was able to convince myself, while watching the nightly re-run of that same day's Jay Leno, was that if I was going to be awake for 20 out of 24 hours, I deserved the equivalent of a fourth meal in the day. Still, I only pigged out on edamame and high-fiber cereal, so it wasn't a total loss.

Then, amazingly enough, I realized once I was up that not exercising immediately did not mean no exercising at all! I swear, that had never occurred to me. So after I took Boo to be groomed at 10:00, I came home and did my walking video and felt very good about that.

(Oh, so at about 2:30, the phone rings and it's the groomer to tell me that the cat was ready. But what she said was "Hi, I'm calling for Boo-Boo?" And I swear, I almost said what I was thinking, which was "I'm sorry, he's not home; can I take a message?" Really, what she said confused me; it took me a minute to realize she wasn't calling to talk to the cat, but rather on his behalf.)

We did a variety of things this morning, and then after bringing the cat home, we did indeed find R suitable interview wear. If you're wondering, the place to go is Ann Taylor. Not only did they have exactly what she needed, the sales person was extremely helpful, even to the point of knowing just what's right for interviews, why this kind of blouse makes a strong statement, whether to wear the skirt or the slacks (depends on whether the interviewer is a man or a woman -- wear the skirt for the woman, I think), and so on. Plus, we had a great coupon printed off the Internet and got more off for R opening an account with them. Best of all, she looked so grown up and cute as a button! (Which I know is not the point of a business suit, but she looked cute to me.) And she was really psyched by the size she got to buy: 6 petite! When she came home from Wales last year, she was wearing 12. And she did it all by eating healthy and working out reasonably, and doesn't even look too thin, or really, thin at all. (Remember, we are all small. She's the tallest woman my family has ever produced, and I think she's about five foot-three and a half.)

And I just had the BEST pizza for dinner, from the California Pizza Kitchen. Whole wheat crust, all kinds of mushrooms, and grilled chicken. I never had chicken on a pizza before. I feel so decadent. I only ate half (a personal size pizza), which is plenty, and I haven't snacked at all today since I was mostly out, walking miles and miles and miles around numerous malls. You know how sometimes when you're hungry, whatever you eat just tastes like the best thing you've ever eaten in your whole life? Like that.

More to come on the Yiddish I use liberally, as requested.

I'm watching Gilmore girls

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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