the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Lethargy Central 891


7:57 pm

It's not just me. I think everyone I spoke to today was dragging, unnaturally exhausted. I said something about it being barometric pressure and the SCM said, Oh, like on your sinuses, and I said, No, I think atmospheric pressure affects your brain and that makes you feel different when it changes and he looked at me like, Ohhhh-kay. I mean, how the hell would I know, but I think I've always generally figured that that was the case.

So I get this unusual phone call this afternoon, a woman's voice says something like, She's so-and-so from the such and such relay service, and this is a relay service call. I said, I don't know what that means. She explains that someone is calling me -- she gives me a student's name and says it's her father calling -- and that he can't use a telephone because of severe hearing impairment or something, and he's typing his conversation to her and she'll relay it to me and then relay my responses back to him via keyboard.

Ohhhhh-kay. I've heard of this, of course, but never took part in it before. I did feel funny about asking her my usual, I'm hearing impaired, can you speak louder? because it just seemed weird, so I took off my hearing aid and pressed the phone as close into my ear as I could.

He had a couple of odd complaints about the website, one of which I guess is valid because he's the second person to point this out in a week, but the other, well, he couldn't find something that's right there on the homepage. At one point, it seemed that he was not seeing the frames on the page and I suggested that his browser was not displaying the page correctly, and he asked if the page was Netscape-compliant. Well, gee. I explained that I'm not a professional website developer; I'm a librarian. If it doesn't show in Netscape, this is the first I've heard of it; not that I know anyone who uses Netscape. I know it works in Mozilla because I've seen it there.

I've signed up for a two-day course in Dreamweaver next month; maybe once I've got that, I can revise the whole website. It certainly would be a good project for the spring, when I have no library. Anyway, I'm set for working on the website tomorrow, in between setting up the GSA display at the Club Fair (actually the kids are setting it up and I'm supervising) and possibly meeting with Mr. Nice Guy over the design changes I've asked for in the new library. That and another batch of I.D. cards, which I'm hoping to be done with, finally, next week.

Funny thing about Tom DeLay, huh? Why is it that people in power seem so sure that no matter what they do, no one will ever find out and they won't have to pay the piper? I guess it's a variation of the "That doesn't apply to me" principle, the one that highway idiots must be invoking when they pass you on the right, safe in the conviction that this won't be the time that you'll move into the right lane and squash them like a bug. That "no passing on the right" crap just doesn't apply to them. Or like the people who talk on cell phones while they drive, which is about to become a primary offense in New Jersey, as in, they can stop you for that, not just ticket you for it if they happen to catch you on the phone when they stop you for another violation.

I've been backing up my files pretty regularly lately, multiple redundant backups, which I think I'm doing only because I like the phrase "multiple redundant backups." It takes about an hour, which is probably pretty inefficient, but I'm starting to see how much total crap I have in my files, in some cases the same files in several places, or several folders with variations of the same stuff in them. Duh. Computers really have changed the way we think, haven't they?

I'm watching Seinfeld

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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