the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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What a Rebel 936


1:08 pm

I was thinking about this last night while I was nuking my meat loaf for dinner. I am such a rebel. Here's what I do. When the Hubs isn't home, I .... I .... I don't always recycle.

I know this makes me a terrible, horrible, no-good very bad person. If he's not around, I seem to delight in putting an empty frozen-dinner box in the trash instead of in the paper basket, and even .... oh, how can I admit it ... a cat-food can in the trash and not in the comingled bin.

This is what comes of being a 52 year old baby boomer.

It's just after 10:00 am, and the heating mechanic just arrived about 15 minutes ago. He has to replace a pump, he's got one on the truck, and it's a part that costs less than $100.00. I am breathing many, many deep sighs of relief. Not only is it getting done, but I may have time in the day to accomplish other things, like picking up some groceries and getting the cat's claws clipped. It's also nail day, and if they can take me earlier than my normal after-school appointment time, also good.

The weather is very odd today. It's warm, like a warm spring day, but there's no sun at all. It may have rained a little during the night -- it did -- and it's supposed to rain later, possibly severe thunderstorms. But it's so warm! It's like there's some giant hand on a machine someplace that's arbitrarily picking every day's weather, like something in a scifi story. Or else it's a conspiracy.

I don't think I've written lately about the conspiracy theories currently rolling around my head. Have I? Let me go back and check.

No, I don't see it, not even from last Saturday when I was otherwise insane. So, here goes.

Wait, the furnace guy is finished. More later.

I'm back. I got my nails done, where I had a really enjoyable conversation with a perfect stranger, and I stopped at ShopRite, where I ran into the Hubs' beloved uncle in the parking lot. Having a nice day, thank you.

Okay. I've mentioned before that the Hubs is a conspiracy theorist, as is my oldest nephew, as was my father. None of them are rabid crazy people in this regard, a la Mel Gibson in this movie, they are just quiet believers that things are pretty much always not what they seem to be and that there are people behind the scenes orchestrating it to be this way. I never thought about it much; it was probably true, I just didn't think about it. Until I saw Faherenheit 9/11 a while back, and I started to think.

What's really percolating these days is the bird flu thing. It's not that I don't think it exists -- I'm sure it does -- but it wouldn't surprise me if it was developed as a form of germ warfare and it's being tested here and there at this point. What about the possible panic anticipated for next year?

Oy. Vey. I think this is totally made up. I am especially disturbed at the prospect of mandatory vaccines. I am not, let me tell you, getting one of those. Why, the Sibs asked me the other day? What do I think could happen?

Number 1, and in the most extreme scenario, this is where we're all getting our microchips. Okay, that's not likely, but only because they haven't perfected the microchip technology yet. Give it a few years.

Number 2, I think it's totally within the realm of possibility that random people will randomly be given the bird flu, or some other illness. I think that people will die as a result, some, but that in general, it will simply cause widespread fear and panic. Then what?

Then, whoever it is that's in charge, and his people -- you know who they are -- will seize the opportunity to take over absolutely. It will be their green light to eliminate basic American and human rights, to declare martial law, to seize property and assets -- you name it. It will be a coup, but not a military one. Not bloodless, because there will be deaths, but only so that they can say "See? You need us to restore order!"

You're wondering now if I really believe that this is possible. I do.

And all the other diaries slowly back away from the purple chai ....

I'm watching The Nanny

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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