the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Humbuglet 954


7:01 pm

Don't get me wrong, I'm not over-Christmased or Christmas pissed-off. I'm still on a pre-Christmas high from finding all the beloved ornaments yesterday. But I sure do wish that this gift thing were easier.

I just looked at my list, and at first glance, I'm done. Except for the thing I ordered for the MIL that's not in yet, and the gift certificate I have to pick up for the Chum when I go to get my haircut next week. Good, done.

Except the FIL. I got nothing, not even an idea. The Hubs does not even acknowledge that Christmas is coming until roughly the 20th. His father is up to him.

And stocking stuffers. Why do I still have to buy that useless crap for my kids? It's not as if I don't know that I'll find it all behind the furniture when they move out.

Speaking of useless -- if that's what it is -- why are the ILs incapable of using Amazon wish lists? I realized that they are The Elderly, but they have a computer and use it and they ask for the girls' wish lists. They just don't get how to use them. So the MIL calls Saturday night to tell me what she's just ordered for K; turns out it's one medium-priority DVD and one low-priority book. The thing that was designated highest on her list, no go. But that one was on R's list too, one of the two items designated highest, so she's gets it. WTF? And why don't the girls just put the two things they really want on the list and leave the rest of the crap off? Because, it turns out, R really wanted her other highest priority item.

So what did their idiot mother do? Well, of course. She ordered the two items her babies really wanted, lest they be disappointed.

As I say, ganug. [Enough!]

We are anticipating snow. Depending on which weather source I look at, it's starting at four, six, eight, or ten. Four and six have come and gone, and no snow yet. Which means, at least, R should have no trouble getting home from the city by bus later tonight. As for when it starts and how long it continues, that impacts on school tomorrow. We expect a delayed opening, at least, since it may not stop until early or mid-morning. Since our current superintendent pretty much could care less if anyone has trouble getting to work or not, it's likely that he'll come up with whatever solution works for the smallest number of people. For several years now, he's made an art form out of calling a delayed opening or calling off school altogether so late that many people are already on the road. Not I, of course, since I have a four-minute commute on the average day. The biggest impact on me is that I can't just roll over and go back to sleep when I get the phone call, because I have to get up and post the notice on the school website. (Which hopefully is early enough to prevent people who live far away from leaving before their phone call arrives.) I've got the pages ready to go.

A snow day would be fun because it would mean unpacking all the ornaments and repacking them in the new containers I got today. I could lovingly gaze at and caress each one. Okay, that's a little scary, but you know what I mean.

And Arrested Development is finally on tonight! Yay!

Oh, one more weird thing. That freak with whom I work, the SCM, is watching last year's Lost episodes, which I may have mentioned, and of course, wants to discuss them all the time. I get that, but I can't just time-warp like that. Anyway, his wife must also be craving the Lost conversations, because the SCM asks me today, and asks the Colleague as well: "So. Who do you think is the hottie on Lost?"

Seriously, I did not know where to go with that. Finally, I said "You mean, the men?" Yes, that's what he means.

Well, euw. I could seriously have this conversation with a man who actually is gay, but otherwise, it's just icky. Am I wrong? Then I realized it was probably his wife's question. So I said "All of them."

He responds by telling me that his wife says it's Sawyer, but he doesn't see it himself. Well, no shit, Sherlock. He increases the ick factor by telling me that he thinks it's Sayid. Damn, where is that hole in the floor, anyway? Idiotically, I tell him that it is probably Jin, and he goes "Oh, no! I can't see that at all!" Well, goodie goodie for you.

And had the identical conversation with the Colleague not ten minutes later. Seriously, what do I care which men he does or does not find attractive? Once again, not gay. Just icky.

I'm watching The Simpsons

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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