the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Bridge Freezes Before Road Surface 980


11:31 am

Does that actually make any sense? I mean, I get the gist, but it's always been somthing of a syntactic puzzle to me. Does the structure of the bridge freeze before the road surface of the bridge? Or will the road on the bridge be icy before the roads that lead up to it, the road surfaces that aren't held up by a bridge?

That one.

Yes, that magnet I drive has done it again. I think this is third time since October; it may be the fourth. My car is still relatively undamaged, just a scrape. There was a car on an overpass that had skidded on the ice and into the side rail (not a serious accident) and I saw it in time and slowed down, but as I was about to pass her, my car got caught on the same ice that caught her and I bumped into the back of her car. I got out; was already on her cell phone to someone, most likely daddy, who was telling her what to do. She was very sweet and scared (but unhurt) but wasn't listening to me when I tried to tell her that we couldn't remain where we were because another car would come along and hit us. At which point, another car came along, got caught on the same icy patch, and hit the back of my car. The good news is that he hit me in such a way so that it pushed me off the back of the first car and off the ice. The girl suggested waiting for the police, but it was fucking freezing -- it had started to snow just after I left the house, and this was only 15 minutes later -- and it was just too dangerous to stand there, at the top of a curved ramp. We exchanged all necessary numbers and information and then I was able to drive right off. She's got a smooshed up fender in the back and the other guy's got a cracked headlight. I got nothing. I don't think this would technically be anybody's fault, but I'll have to call my insurance on Monday. Damn. They're going to have to hire a special clerk just to handle my paperwork.

I felt a little better when I got up, but now I'm feeling pretty crappy again. I am not leaving this house for the rest of the day, that's for sure. R woke up a few minutes after I got home (I turned right around and ditched any of the errands I was going to do) and I told her, and they she said "Why is it so hot in here?" I don't know; I'm freezing. And I'm wearing a sleeveless t-shirt, a thermal over that, and a hooded sweatshirt over that. And now I'm brewing a cup of tea.


It's about an hour later. Everyone is up; the Hubs came home from the office after I called to tell him about the accident, which was nice. I'm a little calmer now. The girl whose car I hit called a few minutes ago; she thinks the damage will be no more than $400 to $500, which is what I thought; I'd told her at the scene that if the damage was less than her deductible, I'd split it with her. Seems the mensch thing to do, and preferable to involving police or insurance. The guy who hit me can sue me for all I care. My car wasn't even moving when he hit it. He's got no standing there.

Maybe I'll write more later. I'm going to see what's wrong with the broken key on K's computer and then crawl into bed.

I'm watching VH1

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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