the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Another Kick-Ass Vacation 979


5:37 pm

I have now officially been sick for my whole vacation. Still have the cold, but today it segued into a stomach thing, mostly stomach pain and nausea. Oh, goodie. It's easier to deal with a cold, because I just went about my business. Today, after taking the cats to the vet, I changed out of my jeans -- so you know it's serious, because I don't change when I come into the house like normal people -- and got into bed. I've been in bed off and on all day. I just ate an orange. There you have it.

In fact, I did authorize bloodwork for one of the cats because the vet thinks she may have hyperthyroid, which would account for her being ravenously hungry all the time and yet losing weight. I hope that's all she's got, because it's not as bad as some of the alternatives (which the vet did not go into, thank you) and it's easily treatable with medication. Poor little thing. I guess we'll hear the results in a few days. Otherwise, the cats are old, we all know it.

The achievements of my vacation have been changing over the school website and watching all the Lost episodes. I'd rather not have been sick, but I can't say I had any other huge plans that had to be cancelled. I'm very glad that K and I didn't plan to drive down to DC with all her stuff for a couple of days, because that would not have been a pleasant trip. We're going to go next weekend, the 7/8. If we feel like doing it in one day, on the 8th, the Hubs will probably go, too, but he won't want to stay overnight if we decide to do that. I'm not keen on making both 4 1/2 to 5 hour drives myself on the same day, but he and I will share the driving if we do that. K? For some reason, has no highway driving experience, and it would not be relaxing for me for her to learn in this situation. If her father goes, and the two of us are there, and she wants to do some of the driving, fine. She won't. And that's why we'll never let her bring her car to school. She reaps what she sows.

I watched the end of Gentlemen's Agreement before when I woke up from a nap and it was on. See it if you get the chance. It's about anti-semitism, but it could be about anti-anything. And Gregory Peck is yum. (Just as an aside. It's a serious movie.)

Both of the girls have got the cooking bug. K is baking cakes -- just what I need -- and R is at the moment making some sort of eggs benedict thingy. I don't know if I can eat it, but I'll try. And you wonder why I say it's impossible to stay on a diet when both of them are home. K has always enjoyed baking, but she just got a cookbook for Christmas called the Cake Mix Doctor or something like that; it's all recipes that start with a cake mix and take off into space. She just bought a hand-mixer and a blender to take back to school, along with a sifter and a bundt pan. They're going to have to roll her down the aisle at graduation.

I got up long enough to write my entry, but I'm going back to bed now. I found it too hard to concentrate on reading before, but I'm going to give it a try again. I got a biography of Barack Obama for Christmas (an autobiography actually: Dreams From My Father) and I used a gift card and bought myself a history of the Jews of Eastern Euruope, Yiddish Civilization; The Rise and Fall of a Forgotten Nation. I still have about an hour to go on the Jimmy Carter book, too, but I can't listen to audiobooks in the house, only in the car or on a train or something like that. At home, I just fall asleep.

And it's hot. Isn't it hot in here?

I'm watching not watching

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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