the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

So Where Was I? 1017


4:37 pm

The Chum mentioned at lunch that I seem much happier this week than last week. Was I unhappy last week? I have to look back over my entries and see. I know that my back was out one day, and I know I was bitching about my health, but I do that when I'm happy, too. Maybe it was my silence when she kept going on and on and on about all the retirement stuff, because you know that was pissing me off.

I was very, very busy at work today, which was good when the principal came in because he got to see us going full tilt, but then I had to stop everything I was doing and show around a couple more movers who are putting together an estimate for the library. Now there's some question as to whether the library is shutting down May 1 or April 1. I sure would like some definite information here.

So my kid is moving, as I've mentioned, and I hope to be going over to see the place tomorrow, finally. She's been measuring, picking up paint chips, buying some cheap IKEA items with one of her roommates, and generally getting very into this which is all lovely. What I haven't seen her do is pack. I fear that she is packing upstairs (if she's packing at all) and will leave all her things in the basement, untouched. Bummer. I don't think she's called a mover yet, either. Not that she has a great deal of big stuff to move, but there is a bed and a dresser, and we have neither the car nor the manpower to do this on our own. It's one of those rare moments when I realize that it would have been helpful to have at least one son.

I wrote the earlier part of this entry at school this afternoon during a cataloging/re-cataloging respite (drugs, 615.7), but shortly before the end of the day, something happened, sort of, which is not to say something actually did happen. I can't so much go into it, but a new supervision of kids during the lunch period has been imposed on us, which would be swell if we had more personnel to do it and a room that could actually be supervised, but no such luck. I asked what to do if I was distracted by a kid asking, for example, where to find a dictionary, and I was told that the dictionary kid would have to wait. In other words, my job during the lunch period when I am in the library is to stand at the door and make people sign in. I can't answer a reference question, fix a paper jam in the photocopier, show someone how to change the margins in Word. I can't answer the phone or make an I.D. card. I can only remind people to sign in. Which, by the way, does nothing towards supervising computer use, since I'm not allowed to either walk among the computers or use the spy program from my desk. I was particularly put off by the administrator's implication that he was concerned about kids' welfare and I wasn't. And when I told him after school that I'd created his sign-in sheets and put up signs about using them, I also told him that I was hurt by that. Oh, that's not what he meant. It probably wasn't, but it was certainly the vibe he was putting across, and I don't need to take any crap from him. He's not my boss; he's only out of the classroom two years and, needless to say, has not been there as long as I have. I'm also not pleased with his statement -- not an implication -- that he could supervise the library and do it 100% right. I invited him to do so, and reminded him that if he stood on door duty, no one would be asking him to do anything else, like an actual librarian's job, while he was doing it. No shit he could supervise like a pro; so could I if I didn't have anything else to do. F--ing coach. Can't stand the way these bullies talk to women.

That pretty much sucks up any other entry I was going to write today. I'm waiting for R to call momentarily; I'm meeting her at the mechanic so she can drop off her car for service, but she only has a narrow window today between job 1 and job 2, usually an hour or less to change her clothes and eat something for dinner. I hope I can stay up for Lost tonight, because I didn't sleep well last night. Somehow, when the medication-enhanced fallling-asleep moment came, I let it pass me by. I was lying in bed in the dark, and my mind was full of random, unimportant thoughts, all of which were coming to me in song. I was singing every thought in my head, and saying (in song), Stop singing everything! and that seemed to keep me alert through the falling-asleep moment. I finally got up out of bed and turned on the TV in the family room, and I have no idea what I watched or what I semi-slept through. It was a very odd night, and I'm soooo tired. But there was no nap time this afteroon. Bummer.

So I'm just going to post and wait for my phone call.

I'm watching Ellen

last :: next

Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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