the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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Friday 1036


5:26 pm

It's about 1:30 and things are tooooo quiet. I have a class coming in in about 20 minutes, so that should pick things up a bit, but for the moment, I am bored beyond bored. I wish I could just go home and go to sleep.

(Took a minute off there. The spring session of child care must have started this week, and we just had our fifth group of four-year-olds and their guides troop through the library. They are terribly cute, of course, and are all carrying paperbag puppets that they must have made in class. Five times so far today: ""Oh, you have puppets! Can I see your puppet? I like purple, too! Thanks for coming to the library and showing us your puppets! Bye bye!" At least I'll be teaching when the next group toddles through, I hope. Adorable, but I feel like a broken record.)

I cannot go home and go to sleep, because I must take Q to the vet yet again because it seems they never clipped her claws the last two times we were there within the last five-six weeks, and she is shredding me into ribbons whenever she wants food. I asked them each time to do it, and each time they told me they did, but clearly, no. Damn, it's such a pain to box her up and take her out. Better than bleeding, I guess.

So my eldest has gone over to the dark side, as it were -- the light side? -- and bought herself a Mac last night. It's really attractive, to tell you the truth, and if this works out as she hopes, I may go that way too next time, although I have a year or more before my next computer. Seems to have a lot going for it. I'm thinking I've been working with computers for 20 years or more now, starting with the Radio Shack TRS-80, and then a Commodore 64 at home, and then PCs. We had some Apples -- pre Mac -- in the library for a brief period, too. I certainly have been immersed in the whole PC thing for some time now, but I may indeed give the Mac some thought when the time comes. The dealbreaker is probably the amount of software I'd have to replace, which was not that big an issue for R. I don't know, I'm just rambling now.



The cat's been clipped, and I haven't fallen asleep yet, but I may in a moment or two. If I do, at least it will keep me from eating for a time. Heavens, I am not good at the diet thing. I can't even blame it all on getting up and eating after I've gone to sleep, although I certainly do that. It's the extra 500-600 calories of basically healthy snacks I eat all afternoon and evening. You're tired of hearing about that, aren't you.

Okay, not much as entries go. I've seen this episode of Gilmore Girls about a hundred times, so I'm hoping it's a nap enhancement.

I'm watching Gilmore Girls

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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