the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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My Sucky Day, Part 2, Illustrated 1048


7:22 pm

I really have had this sucky day, which I've already just written about, but I'm basically okay. Your support, as always, is much appreciated. I thought I'd let you know that I'm okay with a few pictures. (It's really a two-part entry, I guess, which is obnoxious of me. Sorry.)

I decided to bring home a variety of my desk toys today, so here are some pictures of them in their new setting at home. First, here is my friend, Jefferson:

Jefferson was a Christmas gift from my Chum some years back, and he has lived on my desk in the library since then. (I named him after Thomas Jefferson, whose personal library formed the original Library of Congress.) Once I brought him home today, I realized that he would be a perfect replacement on my home desk for The Glass Head, which is actually R's, and which she took with her this weekend. So here's Jefferson with my red hat on:

I have several caps, all of which have been sitting in a pile on The Glass Head until now, but I only wear the red hat when I go out, because, as we all know

When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple, with a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.

I am always wearing purple, thanks to the two tattoos, so I make a point of wearing a red hat. Which is now worn my Jefferson when I am home.


The Chum, in fact, gave me a present today for no reason, except that she saw it someplace yesterday and thought of me:

I tried to get a good picture of Boo with it, but he didn't care for the flash:

And now for the actual desk toys. There are two of these things that you turn over and the colored liquid drops through; the kids who come to my desk to sign in or whatever play with them all the time, which is why I have them there. There is Sebastian the Crab, who has, for a long time, lived on the tripod that holds the I.D. card camera, and there is a rock.

The rock is actually a geode, because I like geodes. The significance of the rock is incredibly dorky, but here goes. For a good chunk of the 90s, I was really into reading Star Trek novels. I read over a hundred, I guess. Classic Trek, Next Generation, you name it. Anyway, in one of the Classic Trek novels, there was this thing about what the 23rd century philosophy was that had made them all peaceful and not wealth-seeeking and good to each other, and there were many aspects to it, but the one that Kirk had embraced and kept repeating to himself was something like "You have to be like a rock in the rain." You have to be part of your environment but strong enough to resist its pressures. You let if affect you, of course, but gradually, over time, as part of a natural process. You have to let troubles wash over you without breaking you apart, like a rock in the rain.

So there's my rock, and something to play with with, and Sebastian to make me smile. And Jefferson in a red hat.

I'm okay.

I'm watching The Simpsons

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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