the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

:: quotations :: profile :: email :: :: host :: the weary traveler

Catching Up 1089



It's lunchtime in the computer lab, which limits me to monitoring the kids with the sneaky-peeky computer program and not much more. My desk is in the back of the room, so I need to sit upfront at the SCM's desk for now, to ask them to sign in when they get here and to sign passes when they leave, so this is as good a thing to be doing now as anything else. I'll catch up on the last couple of days, since, uncharacteristically, I haven't written.

I didn't write Saturday because I felt like nothing had happened worth writing about. Then, Sunday. Let's see. The Hubs and K and I headed down the Garden State Parkway at noon. R was coming in her own car, since she lives a half hour closer to the ILs, plus she and K were going back to her apartment afterwards, and not home. Was there traffic? Was it a weekend holiday in New Jersey? So. What is normally an hour and fifteen minute trip took two hours. Bleah.

The odd thing of the day was that the subject of K's graduation and who's going never came up. I think the ILs are truly starting to show signs of age. My sister-in-law, however, did pull me aside to talk about it. She says there is no way they can go and that we should just tell them that there aren't enough tickets. Her kid, it so happens, is graduating two days later and there really aren't enough tickets, so the ILs aren't going to that one. I told the SIL that the only problem is that her brother is insane, and will never tell their parents that they can't go. But I got nice support and encouragement from her, and I even brought it up in the car on the way home, once we had passed all the traffic, and did something I promised myself I would never do: told the Hubs that I will call his mother this week and tell her. I figure I handled my parents and he should handle his, but Hubby don't play that. He will always be the good little boy and just build resentment about it. Anyway, I'm hopeful that the situation is in hand. If they go, then the whole weekend will be about them and not K, and seriously, whose graduation is it? I feel like we've made some positive progress here, even if the only forward motion was getting the Hubs to be normal about it.

And then here I am in school, where the world is upside down and everything is soooo strange. I have done a ton of walking today, which is always good, bopping around to the office, to a classroom to find out if a teacher was still bringing her class to the computer lab (Oh, gee, did I forget to tell you we're not coming?), out to my car a couple of times. I'm not comfortable bringing a purse here, and since I don't always carry one anyway, it's no big deal, except I did bring my camera and a couple of other things today, so I put them in the car when I was done with them. Perhaps later I will post some pictures I took this morning of the empty library. When I went to my car lunchtime, I saw workers loading my shelving into a big dumpster in the parking lot. : (

In other news, I had a lovely, if brief, weekend visit with K, and R joined us Friday evening as well. (I may have mentioned that in my last entry, the whole dinner fiasco.) Saturday we went to Target and yesterday, as I said, down to the shore, where all the old people in New Jersey are required, by law, to live. Now, we avoided traffic on the way home by taking an alternate route, up Highway 9, famously cited by Bruce Springsteen in Born to Run (we were in his neck of the woods). Highway 9 is not tacky, per se, although parts of it are; it is just classic New Jersey. There was a strip mall every 20 yards. Let me tell you, I counted five Targets along the way, and possibly 40 Dunkin' Donuts. The density of Dunkin' Donuts must be greater in New Jersey than anywhere else on the planet, although it's possibly a result of our having the highest population density in the country, I don't know.The only place that could rival us DD for DD might be Rhode Island, which I understand is where they originated.

So. Half hour into the lunch period, and I've got about twelve kids on the computers. Mr. Sneaky Peeky tells me that someone is writing about the fall of the Romanovs, someone else is investigating careers in the military, some are checking email or updating their websites, another one is writing a book report, and someone else is reading a message board in Chinese.

Two girls just came in and asked if they could take my picture for a presentation they're doing on school clubs and I thought, picture, euuww. I sent them to the GSA co-advisor, who has all kinds of related posters and stuff in his classroom, much much better, doncha think?

Speaking of self-image, I'm unofficially back on the W8 Watching today. I say unofficially because I didn't have the guts -- so to speak -- to weigh myself first, although I'm counting points and eating right. If my extra-large shirts arent' still too tight on Saturday, I'll weigh in then. Oh yes, by all means, take my picture today. That's the ticket.

Okay, I'm emailing this in now. By the way, when I had trouble last night with my account, I emailed Andrew and used the subject SUPERGOLD account question. I got an answer and results in five minutes.

I'm watching the detectives

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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