the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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So, What's New? 1101


4:39 pm

I didn't write yesterday because, well, Saturday's entry misted me up a little, too, and I liked it so I wanted to leave it there. Now it's Monday, and I'm back in what passes for the real world.

I got to teach a single class today, so go me. I've begun to describe my isolation in a corner in the back of the computer lab to people as being the crazy aunt that the family keep hidden in a garret in the attic. Actually, this is not an image that I'm uncomfortable with. I'm letting things just take their own course here at Bizarro Town High School, so I'm not upset or anything.

I did decide that this is a life-stage changing moment that needs to be marked with a new toy, though, and so I have decided to take my webmaster pay from this year and buy me, of all things, a Mac. Yes, a Mac! That good ole PC girl, me. I've been doing a lot of investigating -- which I love to do -- and I went to the Apple store Saturday morning and asked lots of questions, and I got a lot of right answers. Now that most files are compatible, it made a Mac worth considering, and I've since discovered that certain other files that work with PC only software can be converted and imported. One of the things I like about a Mac is that so much of the software I'll need just comes with it, so there's actually very little I need to buy other than Office, and I would have to buy that for any new computer, PC or Mac. I don't know how soon I'll actually get it -- could be tomorrow, could be next month, although given my past history, tomorrow is way more likely. So I spent a lot of time this weekend looking into things, tidying up the PC, and so forth. The people at the Apple store -- who are called the Apple "geniuses" by the way, isn't that precious -- will move over your files for you from your PC to your Mac, install any programs you buy there, and generally set the whole thing up for you. But they won't look through your whole computer just to see what needs to be moved, they'll move whatever specific folders you tell them to move. So it's got to be tidied up first. I'm really very excited about the whole thing, a nice new gadget to learn and spend the summer playing with.

Am I the only person in America who watches Big Love? Did anyone else see it last night? Gaaaaah!

So I was pulling the magazines out of the library mailbox before and the principal was there, and he asked if we had gotten this week's Newsweek. We had, and I gave it to him. The cover story is "America's Best High Schools: The Top 100", and really, we are not listed there. He said very happily that in the full list on the website we were 600-something, which is way better than the 900-something we were last year. Well, yeah, but dude: 600-something is not actually good. Now, I think all those kinds of surveys are bogus because their criteria are so absurd, but even then, don't be proud that you suck. You know?

So I'm home now, and the electrician was just here and I really feel like the ball is starting to roll on getting the upstairs fixed up. Happily, K has decided to sell her bed down in DC before she comes home, and since I have a box spring and a frame, it's simple to call up the 1-800 bed people and get a mattress, which will come, I know, hours after I order it. That's easy. Now I have to call the handyman and the rug people. I know the rug people will come when I can take the day off, so that's easy, too. Oh, and the people who cart away all your old crap. I should probably call them first. Heh heh.

Okay, I'm going to read more of my new Mac magazine now.

I'm watching Oprah

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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