the purple chai
now :: then :: me :: them

a fifty-something under-tall half-deaf school librarian in the jersey suburbs with two grown kids and time on her hands

Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.

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It's Can't-Make-A-Decision Day 1130


5:40 pm

Consequently, I have a few entries to share with you today. I wrote the first one last night (although I wrote it from today's perspective), the second one at school, and the third one at home, just now. Apparently, I've got a lot of nothing to tell you.

1: Wonders: Not Yet Ceased

Last night, our toilet broke. This has somewhat greater impact when you live in a home with a single toilet. But I digress.

I only discovered this when I went into the bedroom (across the hall from the bathroom) to reset my alarm for the morning, and found the Hubs crunched into the space between the toilet and the sink, with a wrench in his hand. I asked if he needed me to help him with anything. He said if a I had a bullet to shoot him in the head with, that would be fine. He said this with the venomous tone he reserves for when he is angry, although I have learned over the course of the years that he is angry with himself, and not with me. I said I couldn't help him with that, and went back to my SVU.

About fifteen minutes later, he came out smiling, holding a plastic bag with the broken part -- pump? valve? -- that he had replaced. Turns out he had a spare -- A SPARE! -- in the basement, which he put in and it was all fixed. Very pleased with himself, and rightly so.

Clearly, he is a lunatic. Are all men nuts like that, or is it just mine? What the fuck was he so pissed off about? He had the part, he was doing it, it worked. Jeez Louise.

He is not a fix-it kind of guy, but he is very, very capable of fixing anything he wants to. However, over the years, taking care of things in the house has pretty much been left up to me, which means I call people to fix stuff. It's way easier than dealing with his nuttiness, even if he can really do it.

Who's pissed off now?

2: The Foolishness of Webmastering

Yes, I handed in my letter on Friday, but the principal didn't read it until today. No reaction, except that I confirmed that he'd read it.

Now here's the kind of thing that makes a person want to not do this job anymore. One of the counselors in the guidance office is particularly Martha Stewart-ish -- not in the good way -- and is always demanding that her bulletins be posted on the web exactly as she distributed them on paper to the kids. This usually includes a piece of clip-art that she scotch-taped to the paper before sending it to the photocopier; why can't I put that on the web, too? I have tried to explain to her the difference between a PDF file and a giant scanned image-- one is legible and one is not -- but she knows what she wants. A little while ago, she appeared in my corner-in-exile to ask why the link on the guidance page to her financial aid bulletin was no longer there.

Well, I didn't do anything with it. I pulled up the page, scrolled down, and there it was, just under the giant notice for something else that the head of guidance had told me to put at the top of the page. She said

"Oh. It looks different on my computer."

I said, "You need to scroll down. Did you scroll down?"

She turned and murmured "I'll try that" as she slunk out of the room.

Yes, try that. Do.


Now this made my day. I was at lunch and someone said to me "Hey, you look great! You got some color this weekend!" Honey, I do not do the outdoors. I said "No, not at all. But I guess I got my make-up right." Because I've been using, finally, that new Vital Radiance make-up, and my whole routine is different. So someone else -- my Chum! -- said, "What made you start wearing make-up?" Uh .... "I wear make-up every day," I told her. "For years and years. Apparently, not the right make-up, until now." So there you go. My new routine is confirmed as the good one. It seems I do not resemble the walking dead after all.

3: Me and My Maxx

I am getting more and more comfortable with Maxx the Mac every day, but I think today may have tipped the scales over to love. Now, I am a computer user who needs to customize my environment; I always have been and getting everything set up the way I like it is part of the draw for me. R, who got the same computer two months before I did, does not seem to have this need, and she is trying to keep her machine as pristine and close to how she got it as possible, whereas I have downloaded the occasional program and tinkered some, while still trying to preserve drive space and avoiding clutter. But today, I went over the edge, which must be the right thing for me.

First, I downloaded the Firefox web browser, which I had resisted because I do like the Safari browser that came with it. But wow! I got all the gmail features back, and I really, really like it. Next, after being told at the Apple store that there really was no web authoring software that did what I wanted it to do, I found a program online called NVU, which is free and does exactly what I want. I'm about to install it here, but I installed the Windows version at school and worked with it for awhile and it looks PERFECT. Also, I keep finding more features in the software I already have. So I am totally psyched here, and looking forward to some more quality time with Maxx. Hey, it's the little things that get me going.

There you go, three for one. Expect writer's block tomorrow.

I'm watching The Nanny

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Sweet Sorrow - 06.12.2007
So ... - 12.19.2006
Christmastime Is Near - 12.18.2006
Fifteen Years - 12.17.2006
A Message From Our Sponsor - 12.16.2006

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